Class CoGroupedStreams<T1,​T2>

  • @Public
    public class CoGroupedStreams<T1,​T2>
    extends Object
    CoGroupedStreams represents two DataStreams that have been co-grouped. A streaming co-group operation is evaluated over elements in a window.

    To finalize co-group operation you also need to specify a KeySelector for both the first and second input and a WindowAssigner.

    Note: Right now, the groups are being built in memory so you need to ensure that they don't get too big. Otherwise the JVM might crash.


     DataStream<Tuple2<String, Integer>> one = ...;
     DataStream<Tuple2<String, Integer>> two = ...;
     DataStream<T> result = one.coGroup(two)
         .where(new MyFirstKeySelector())
         .equalTo(new MyFirstKeySelector())
         .apply(new MyCoGroupFunction());
    • Constructor Detail

      • CoGroupedStreams

        public CoGroupedStreams​(DataStream<T1> input1,
                                DataStream<T2> input2)
        Creates new CoGrouped data streams, which are the first step towards building a streaming co-group.
        input1 - The first data stream.
        input2 - The second data stream.
    • Method Detail

      • where

        public <KEY> CoGroupedStreams.Where<KEY> where​(KeySelector<T1,​KEY> keySelector)
        Specifies a KeySelector for elements from the first input.
        keySelector - The KeySelector to be used for extracting the first input's key for partitioning.
      • where

        public <KEY> CoGroupedStreams.Where<KEY> where​(KeySelector<T1,​KEY> keySelector,
                                                       TypeInformation<KEY> keyType)
        Specifies a KeySelector for elements from the first input with explicit type information.
        keySelector - The KeySelector to be used for extracting the first input's key for partitioning.
        keyType - The type information describing the key type.