Class StreamGraph

    • Method Detail

      • clear

        public void clear()
        Remove all registered nodes etc.
      • addJar

        public void addJar​(Path jar)
        Adds the path of a JAR file required to run the job on a task manager.
        jar - path of the JAR file required to run the job on a task manager
      • getUserJars

        public List<Path> getUserJars()
        Gets the list of assigned user jar paths.
        Specified by:
        getUserJars in interface ExecutionPlan
        The list of assigned user jar paths
      • createJobCheckpointingSettings

        public void createJobCheckpointingSettings()
      • getJobName

        public String getJobName()
      • setJobName

        public void setJobName​(String jobName)
      • setLineageGraph

        public void setLineageGraph​(LineageGraph lineageGraph)
      • setStateBackend

        public void setStateBackend​(StateBackend backend)
      • setCheckpointStorage

        public void setCheckpointStorage​(CheckpointStorage checkpointStorage)
      • setGlobalStreamExchangeMode

        public void setGlobalStreamExchangeMode​(GlobalStreamExchangeMode globalExchangeMode)
      • setSlotSharingGroupResource

        public void setSlotSharingGroupResource​(Map<String,​ResourceProfile> slotSharingGroupResources)
      • hasFineGrainedResource

        public boolean hasFineGrainedResource()
      • setAllVerticesInSameSlotSharingGroupByDefault

        public void setAllVerticesInSameSlotSharingGroupByDefault​(boolean allVerticesInSameSlotSharingGroupByDefault)
        Set whether to put all vertices into the same slot sharing group by default.
        allVerticesInSameSlotSharingGroupByDefault - indicates whether to put all vertices into the same slot sharing group by default.
      • isAllVerticesInSameSlotSharingGroupByDefault

        public boolean isAllVerticesInSameSlotSharingGroupByDefault()
        Gets whether to put all vertices into the same slot sharing group by default.
        whether to put all vertices into the same slot sharing group by default.
      • isEnableCheckpointsAfterTasksFinish

        public boolean isEnableCheckpointsAfterTasksFinish()
      • setEnableCheckpointsAfterTasksFinish

        public void setEnableCheckpointsAfterTasksFinish​(boolean enableCheckpointsAfterTasksFinish)
      • isChainingEnabled

        public boolean isChainingEnabled()
      • isChainingOfOperatorsWithDifferentMaxParallelismEnabled

        public boolean isChainingOfOperatorsWithDifferentMaxParallelismEnabled()
      • isIterative

        public boolean isIterative()
      • addVirtualSideOutputNode

        public void addVirtualSideOutputNode​(Integer originalId,
                                             Integer virtualId,
                                             OutputTag outputTag)
        Adds a new virtual node that is used to connect a downstream vertex to only the outputs with the selected side-output OutputTag.
        originalId - ID of the node that should be connected to.
        virtualId - ID of the virtual node.
        outputTag - The selected side-output OutputTag.
      • addVirtualPartitionNode

        public void addVirtualPartitionNode​(Integer originalId,
                                            Integer virtualId,
                                            StreamPartitioner<?> partitioner,
                                            StreamExchangeMode exchangeMode)
        Adds a new virtual node that is used to connect a downstream vertex to an input with a certain partitioning.

        When adding an edge from the virtual node to a downstream node the connection will be made to the original node, but with the partitioning given here.

        originalId - ID of the node that should be connected to.
        virtualId - ID of the virtual node.
        partitioner - The partitioner
      • getSlotSharingGroup

        public String getSlotSharingGroup​(Integer id)
        Determines the slot sharing group of an operation across virtual nodes.
      • addEdge

        public void addEdge​(Integer upStreamVertexID,
                            Integer downStreamVertexID,
                            int typeNumber)
      • setParallelism

        public void setParallelism​(Integer vertexID,
                                   int parallelism)
      • isDynamic

        public boolean isDynamic()
        Description copied from interface: ExecutionPlan
        Checks if the execution plan is dynamic.
        Specified by:
        isDynamic in interface ExecutionPlan
        true if the execution plan is dynamic; false otherwise
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Description copied from interface: ExecutionPlan
        Checks if the execution plan is empty.
        Specified by:
        isEmpty in interface ExecutionPlan
        true if the plan is empty; false otherwise
      • setParallelism

        public void setParallelism​(Integer vertexId,
                                   int parallelism,
                                   boolean parallelismConfigured)
      • setDynamic

        public void setDynamic​(boolean dynamic)
      • setMaxParallelism

        public void setMaxParallelism​(int vertexID,
                                      int maxParallelism)
      • setResources

        public void setResources​(int vertexID,
                                 ResourceSpec minResources,
                                 ResourceSpec preferredResources)
      • setBufferTimeout

        public void setBufferTimeout​(Integer vertexID,
                                     long bufferTimeout)
      • setInputFormat

        public void setInputFormat​(Integer vertexID,
                                   InputFormat<?,​?> inputFormat)
      • setOutputFormat

        public void setOutputFormat​(Integer vertexID,
                                    OutputFormat<?> outputFormat)
      • setTransformationUID

        public void setTransformationUID​(Integer nodeId,
                                         String transformationId)
      • getLoopTimeout

        public long getLoopTimeout​(Integer vertexID)
      • getStreamingPlanAsJSON

        public String getStreamingPlanAsJSON()
      • setJobType

        public void setJobType​(JobType jobType)
      • isAutoParallelismEnabled

        public boolean isAutoParallelismEnabled()
      • setAutoParallelismEnabled

        public void setAutoParallelismEnabled​(boolean autoParallelismEnabled)
      • setVertexNameIncludeIndexPrefix

        public void setVertexNameIncludeIndexPrefix​(boolean includePrefix)
      • isVertexNameIncludeIndexPrefix

        public boolean isVertexNameIncludeIndexPrefix()
      • registerJobStatusHook

        public void registerJobStatusHook​(JobStatusHook hook)
        Registers the JobStatusHook.
      • setSupportsConcurrentExecutionAttempts

        public void setSupportsConcurrentExecutionAttempts​(Integer vertexId,
                                                           boolean supportsConcurrentExecutionAttempts)
      • setAttribute

        public void setAttribute​(Integer vertexId,
                                 Attribute attribute)
      • setJobId

        public void setJobId​(JobID jobId)
      • getJobID

        public JobID getJobID()
        Description copied from interface: ExecutionPlan
        Gets the unique identifier of the job.
        Specified by:
        getJobID in interface ExecutionPlan
        the job id
      • setClasspath

        public void setClasspath​(List<URL> paths)
        Sets the classpath required to run the job on a task manager.
        paths - paths of the directories/JAR files required to run the job on a task manager
      • getClasspath

        public List<URL> getClasspath()
      • getUserJarBlobKeys

        public List<PermanentBlobKey> getUserJarBlobKeys()
        Returns a list of BLOB keys referring to the JAR files required to run this job.
        Specified by:
        getUserJarBlobKeys in interface ExecutionPlan
        list of BLOB keys referring to the JAR files required to run this job
      • getClasspaths

        public List<URL> getClasspaths()
        Description copied from interface: ExecutionPlan
        Gets the classpath required for the job.
        Specified by:
        getClasspaths in interface ExecutionPlan
        a list of classpath URLs
      • setUserArtifactBlobKey

        public void setUserArtifactBlobKey​(String entryName,
                                           PermanentBlobKey blobKey)
                                    throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: ExecutionPlan
        Sets a user artifact blob key for a specified user artifact.
        Specified by:
        setUserArtifactBlobKey in interface ExecutionPlan
        entryName - the name of the user artifact
        blobKey - the blob key corresponding to the user artifact
        IOException - if an error occurs during the operation
      • getMaximumParallelism

        public int getMaximumParallelism()
        Description copied from interface: ExecutionPlan
        Gets the maximum parallelism level for the job.
        Specified by:
        getMaximumParallelism in interface ExecutionPlan
        the maximum parallelism
      • setInitialClientHeartbeatTimeout

        public void setInitialClientHeartbeatTimeout​(long initialClientHeartbeatTimeout)
      • getInitialClientHeartbeatTimeout

        public long getInitialClientHeartbeatTimeout()
        Description copied from interface: ExecutionPlan
        Gets the initial client heartbeat timeout.
        Specified by:
        getInitialClientHeartbeatTimeout in interface ExecutionPlan
        the timeout duration in milliseconds
      • isPartialResourceConfigured

        public boolean isPartialResourceConfigured()
        Description copied from interface: ExecutionPlan
        Checks if partial resource configuration is specified.
        Specified by:
        isPartialResourceConfigured in interface ExecutionPlan
        true if partial resource configuration is set; false otherwise
      • serializeUserDefinedInstances

        public void serializeUserDefinedInstances()
                                           throws IOException