Interface StreamTaskStateInitializer

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface StreamTaskStateInitializer
    This is the interface through which stream task expose a StreamOperatorStateContext to their operators. Operators, in turn, can use the context to initialize everything connected to their state, such as backends or a timer service manager.
    • Method Detail

      • streamOperatorStateContext

        StreamOperatorStateContext streamOperatorStateContext​(@Nonnull
                                                              OperatorID operatorID,
                                                              String operatorClassName,
                                                              ProcessingTimeService processingTimeService,
                                                              KeyContext keyContext,
                                                              TypeSerializer<?> keySerializer,
                                                              CloseableRegistry streamTaskCloseableRegistry,
                                                              MetricGroup metricGroup,
                                                              double managedMemoryFraction,
                                                              boolean isUsingCustomRawKeyedState,
                                                              boolean isAsyncState)
                                                       throws Exception
        Returns the StreamOperatorStateContext for an AbstractStreamOperator that runs in the stream task that owns this manager.
        operatorID - the id of the operator for which the context is created. Cannot be null.
        operatorClassName - the classname of the operator instance for which the context is created. Cannot be null.
        processingTimeService -
        keyContext - the key context of the operator instance for which the context is created Cannot be null.
        keySerializer - the key-serializer for the operator. Can be null.
        streamTaskCloseableRegistry - the closeable registry to which created closeable objects will be registered.
        metricGroup - the parent metric group for all statebackend metrics
        managedMemoryFraction - the managed memory fraction of the operator for state backend
        isUsingCustomRawKeyedState - flag indicating whether or not the AbstractStreamOperator is writing custom raw keyed state.
        a context from which the given operator can initialize everything related to state.
        Exception - when something went wrong while creating the context.