Class RebalancePartitioner<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • RebalancePartitioner

        public RebalancePartitioner()
    • Method Detail

      • setup

        public void setup​(int numberOfChannels)
        Description copied from interface: ChannelSelector
        Initializes the channel selector with the number of output channels.
        Specified by:
        setup in interface ChannelSelector<T>
        setup in class StreamPartitioner<T>
        numberOfChannels - the total number of output channels which are attached to respective output gate.
      • selectChannel

        public int selectChannel​(SerializationDelegate<StreamRecord<T>> record)
        Description copied from interface: ChannelSelector
        Returns the logical channel index, to which the given record should be written. It is illegal to call this method for broadcast channel selectors and this method can remain not implemented in that case (for example by throwing UnsupportedOperationException).
        record - the record to determine the output channels for.
        an integer number which indicates the index of the output channel through which the record shall be forwarded.