Annotation Type DataTypeHint

  • @PublicEvolving
    public @interface DataTypeHint
    A hint that influences the reflection-based extraction of a DataType.

    Data type hints can parameterize or replace the default extraction logic of individual function parameters and return types, structured classes, or fields of structured classes. An implementer can choose to what extent the default extraction logic should be modified.

    The following examples show how to explicitly specify data types, how to parameterize the extraction logic, or how to accept any data type as an input data type:

    @DataTypeHint("INT") defines an INT data type with a default conversion class.

    @DataTypeHint(value = "TIMESTAMP(3)", bridgedTo = java.sql.Timestamp.class) defines a TIMESTAMP data type of millisecond precision with an explicit conversion class.

    @DataTypeHint(value = "RAW", bridgedTo = MyCustomClass.class) defines a RAW data type with Flink's default serializer for class MyCustomClass.

    @DataTypeHint(value = "RAW", rawSerializer = MyCustomSerializer.class) defines a RAW data type with a custom serializer class.

    @DataTypeHint(version = V1, allowRawGlobally = TRUE) parameterizes the extraction by requesting a extraction logic version of 1 and allowing the RAW data type in this structured type (and possibly nested fields).

    @DataTypeHint(bridgedTo = MyPojo.class, allowRawGlobally = TRUE) defines that a type should be extracted from the given conversion class but with parameterized extraction for allowing RAW types.

    @DataTypeHint(inputGroup = ANY) defines that the input validation should accept any data type.

    Note: All hint parameters are optional. Hint parameters defined on top of a structured type are inherited by all (deeply) nested fields unless annotated differently. For example, all occurrences of BigDecimal will be extracted as DECIMAL(12, 2) if the enclosing structured class is annotated with @DataTypeHint(defaultDecimalPrecision = 12, defaultDecimalScale = 2). Individual field annotations allow to deviate from those default values.

    A data type hint on top of a table or aggregate function is similar to defining FunctionHint.output() for the output type of the function.

    See Also:
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      HintFlag allowRawGlobally
      Defines that a RAW data type may be used for all classes that cannot be mapped to any SQL-like data type or cause an error.
      String[] allowRawPattern
      Defines that a RAW data type may be used for all classes that cannot be mapped to any SQL-like data type or cause an error if their class name starts with or is equal to one of the given patterns.
      Class<?> bridgedTo
      Adds a hint that data should be represented using the given class when entering or leaving the table ecosystem.
      int defaultDecimalPrecision
      Defines a default precision for all decimal data types that are extracted.
      int defaultDecimalScale
      Defines a default scale for all decimal data types that are extracted.
      int defaultSecondPrecision
      Defines a default fractional second precision for all day-time intervals and timestamps that are extracted.
      int defaultYearPrecision
      Defines a default year precision for all year-month intervals that are extracted.
      String[] forceRawPattern
      Defines that a RAW data type must be used for all classes if their class name starts with or is equal to one of the given patterns.
      InputGroup inputGroup
      This hint parameter influences the extraction of a TypeInference in functions.
      Class<? extends TypeSerializer<?>> rawSerializer
      Adds a hint that defines a custom serializer that should be used for serializing and deserializing opaque RAW types.
      String value
      The explicit string representation of a data type.
      ExtractionVersion version
      Version that describes the expected behavior of the reflection-based data type extraction.
    • Element Detail

      • value

        String value
        The explicit string representation of a data type. See DataTypes for a list of supported data types. For example, INT for an integer data type or DECIMAL(12, 5) for decimal data type with precision 12 and scale 5.

        Use an unparameterized RAW string for explicitly declaring an opaque data type without entering a full type string. For Flink's default RAW serializer, use @DataTypeHint("RAW") or more specific @DataTypeHint(value = "RAW", bridgedTo = MyCustomClass.class). For a custom RAW serializer, use @DataTypeHint(value = "RAW", rawSerializer = MyCustomSerializer.class).

        By default, the empty string represents an undefined data type which means that it will be derived automatically.

        Use inputGroup() for accepting a group of similar data types if this hint is used to enrich input arguments.

        See Also:
        LogicalType.asSerializableString(), DataTypes
      • bridgedTo

        Class<?> bridgedTo
        Adds a hint that data should be represented using the given class when entering or leaving the table ecosystem.

        If an explicit data type has been defined via value(), a supported conversion class depends on the logical type and its nullability property.

        If an explicit data type has not been defined via value(), this class is used for reflective extraction of a data type.

        Please see the implementation of LogicalType.supportsInputConversion(Class), LogicalType.supportsOutputConversion(Class), or the documentation for more information about supported conversions.

        By default, the conversion class is reflectively extracted.

        See Also:
      • rawSerializer

        Class<? extends TypeSerializer<?>> rawSerializer
        Adds a hint that defines a custom serializer that should be used for serializing and deserializing opaque RAW types. It is used if value() is explicitly defined as an unparameterized RAW string or if (possibly nested) fields in a structured type need to be handled as an opaque type.

        By default, Flink's default RAW serializer is used.

        See Also:
        DataTypes.RAW(Class, TypeSerializer)
      • inputGroup

        InputGroup inputGroup
        This hint parameter influences the extraction of a TypeInference in functions. It adds a hint for accepting pre-defined groups of similar types, i.e., more than just one explicit data type.

        Note: This hint parameter is only interpreted when used in function hints or next to arguments of implementation methods. It has highest precedence above all other hint parameter.

        Some examples:

         // expects an integer for the first input argument and allows any data type for the second
      • version

        ExtractionVersion version
        Version that describes the expected behavior of the reflection-based data type extraction.

        It is meant for future backward compatibility. Whenever the extraction logic is changed, old function and structured type classes should still return the same data type as before when versioned accordingly.

        By default, the version is always the most recent one.

      • allowRawGlobally

        HintFlag allowRawGlobally
        Defines that a RAW data type may be used for all classes that cannot be mapped to any SQL-like data type or cause an error.

        By default, this parameter is set to false which means that an exception is thrown for unmapped types. This is helpful to identify and fix faulty implementations. It is generally recommended to use SQL-like types instead of enabling RAW opaque types.

        If RAW types cannot be avoided, they should be enabled only in designated areas (i.e., within package prefixes using allowRawPattern()) in order to not swallow all errors. However, this parameter globally enables RAW types for the annotated class and all nested fields.

        This parameter has higher precedence than allowRawPattern().

        See Also:
        DataTypes.RAW(Class, TypeSerializer)
      • allowRawPattern

        String[] allowRawPattern
        Defines that a RAW data type may be used for all classes that cannot be mapped to any SQL-like data type or cause an error if their class name starts with or is equal to one of the given patterns.

        For example, if some Joda time classes cannot be mapped to any SQL-like data type, one can define the class prefix "org.joda.time". Some classes might be handled as structured types on a best effort basis but others will be RAW data types if necessary.

        By default, the pattern list is empty which means that an exception is thrown for unmapped types. This is helpful to identify and fix faulty implementations. It is generally recommended to use SQL-like types instead of enabling RAW opaque types.

        If RAW types cannot be avoided, this parameter should be used to enabled them only in designated areas (i.e., within package prefixes) in order to not swallow all errors.

        This parameter has lower precedence than allowRawGlobally() which would globally allow RAW types in the annotated class and all nested fields.

        See Also:
        DataTypes.RAW(Class, TypeSerializer)
      • forceRawPattern

        String[] forceRawPattern
        Defines that a RAW data type must be used for all classes if their class name starts with or is equal to one of the given patterns.

        For example, one can define the class prefix "org.joda.time", "java.math.BigDecimal" which means that all Joda time classes and Java's BigDecimal will be handled as RAW data types regardless if they could be mapped to a more SQL-like data type.

        By default, the pattern list is empty which means that an exception is thrown for unmapped types. This is helpful to identify and fix faulty implementations. It is generally recommended to use SQL-like types instead of enabling RAW opaque types.

        If RAW types cannot be avoided, they should be enabled only in designated areas (i.e., within package prefixes) in order to not swallow all errors. However, compared to allowRawPattern(), this parameter forces to skip the extraction entirely for the given prefixes instead of trying to match a class to a more SQL-like data type.

        This parameter has the highest precedence of all data type related hint parameters.

        See Also:
        DataTypes.RAW(Class, TypeSerializer)
      • defaultDecimalPrecision

        int defaultDecimalPrecision
        Defines a default precision for all decimal data types that are extracted.

        By default, decimals are not extracted from classes such as BigDecimal because they don't define a fixed precision and scale which is required in the SQL type system.

      • defaultDecimalScale

        int defaultDecimalScale
        Defines a default scale for all decimal data types that are extracted.

        By default, decimals are not extracted from classes such as BigDecimal because they don't define a fixed precision and scale which is required in the SQL type system.

      • defaultYearPrecision

        int defaultYearPrecision
        Defines a default year precision for all year-month intervals that are extracted. If set to 0, an INTERVAL MONTH data type is extracted.

        By default, INTERVAL YEAR(4) TO MONTH data types are extracted from classes such as Period.

      • defaultSecondPrecision

        int defaultSecondPrecision
        Defines a default fractional second precision for all day-time intervals and timestamps that are extracted.

        By default, those data types are extracted with nano second precision.
