Interface TableEnvironmentInternal

    • Method Detail

      • getParser

        Parser getParser()
        Return a Parser that provides methods for parsing a SQL string.
        initialized Parser.
      • fromTableSource

        Table fromTableSource​(TableSource<?> source)
        Creates a table from a table source.
        source - table source used as table
      • executeInternal

        TableResultInternal executeInternal​(List<ModifyOperation> operations)
        Execute the given modify operations and return the execution result.
        operations - The operations to be executed.
        the affected row counts (-1 means unknown).
      • executeInternal

        TableResultInternal executeInternal​(Operation operation)
        Execute the given operation and return the execution result.
        operation - The operation to be executed.
        the content of the execution result.
      • explainInternal

        default String explainInternal​(List<Operation> operations,
                                       ExplainDetail... extraDetails)
        Returns the AST of this table and the execution plan to compute the result of this table.
        operations - The operations to be explained.
        extraDetails - The extra explain details which the explain result should include, e.g. estimated cost, changelog mode for streaming
        AST and the execution plan.
      • explainInternal

        String explainInternal​(List<Operation> operations,
                               ExplainFormat format,
                               ExplainDetail... extraDetails)
        Returns the AST of this table and the execution plan to compute the result of this table.
        operations - The operations to be explained.
        format - The output format.
        extraDetails - The extra explain details which the explain result should include, e.g. estimated cost, changelog mode for streaming
        AST and the execution plan.
      • registerTableSourceInternal

        void registerTableSourceInternal​(String name,
                                         TableSource<?> tableSource)
        Registers an external TableSource in this TableEnvironment's catalog. Registered tables can be referenced in SQL queries.

        Temporary objects can shadow permanent ones. If a permanent object in a given path exists, it will be inaccessible in the current session. To make the permanent object available again one can drop the corresponding temporary object.

        name - The name under which the TableSource is registered.
        tableSource - The TableSource to register.
      • registerTableSinkInternal

        void registerTableSinkInternal​(String name,
                                       TableSink<?> configuredSink)
        Registers an external TableSink with already configured field names and field types in this TableEnvironment's catalog. Registered sink tables can be referenced in SQL DML statements.

        Temporary objects can shadow permanent ones. If a permanent object in a given path exists, it will be inaccessible in the current session. To make the permanent object available again one can drop the corresponding temporary object.

        name - The name under which the TableSink is registered.
        configuredSink - The configured TableSink to register.
      • executeCachedPlanInternal

        TableResultInternal executeCachedPlanInternal​(CachedPlan cachedPlan)
        Execute the given CachedPlan and return the execution result.
        cachedPlan - The CachedPlan to be executed.
        the content of the execution result.