Interface CatalogRegistry

    • Method Detail

      • getCurrentDatabase

        String getCurrentDatabase()
        Get the name of the current database.
      • getCurrentCatalog

        String getCurrentCatalog()
        Gets the name of the current catalog.
      • qualifyIdentifier

        ObjectIdentifier qualifyIdentifier​(UnresolvedIdentifier identifier)
        Returns the full name of the given table path, this name may be padded with current catalog/database name based on the identifier's length.
        identifier - an unresolved identifier
        a fully qualified object identifier
      • isTemporaryTable

        boolean isTemporaryTable​(ObjectIdentifier objectIdentifier)
        Return whether the table with a fully qualified table path is temporary or not.
        objectIdentifier - full path of the table
        the table is temporary or not.
      • getPartition

        Optional<CatalogPartition> getPartition​(ObjectIdentifier tableIdentifier,
                                                CatalogPartitionSpec partitionSpec)
        Retrieves a partition with a fully qualified table path and partition spec.
        tableIdentifier - full path of the table to retrieve
        partitionSpec - full partition spec
        partition in the table.