Interface SupportsStaging

  • @PublicEvolving
    public interface SupportsStaging
    Interface for DynamicTableSinks that support atomic semantic for CTAS(CREATE TABLE AS SELECT) or RTAS([CREATE OR] REPLACE TABLE AS SELECT) statement using a two-phase commit protocol. The table sink is responsible for returning a StagedTable to tell the Flink how to implement the atomicity semantics.

    If the user turns on TableConfigOptions#TABLE_RTAS_CTAS_ATOMICITY_ENABLED, and the DynamicTableSink implements SupportsStaging, the planner will call method applyStaging(StagingContext) to get the StagedTable returned by the sink, then the StagedTable will be used by Flink to implement a two-phase commit with the actual implementation of the StagedTable.

    • Method Detail

      • applyStaging

        StagedTable applyStaging​(SupportsStaging.StagingContext context)
        Provides a SupportsStaging.StagingContext for the sink modification and return a StagedTable. The StagedTable provides transaction abstraction to support atomicity for CTAS/RTAS. Flink will call the relevant API of StagedTable when the Job status switches,

        Note: This method will be called at the compile stage.

        context - The context for the sink modification
        StagedTable that will be leveraged by Flink framework to provide atomicity semantics.