Interface SqlCallSyntax

    • Field Detail

      • FUNCTION

        static final SqlCallSyntax FUNCTION
        Function syntax, as in "Foo(x, y)".
      • DISTINCT

        static final SqlCallSyntax DISTINCT
        Function syntax for handling DISTINCT aggregates. Special case. It does not have a syntax itself, but modifies the syntax of the nested call.

        static final SqlCallSyntax COLLECTION_CTOR
        Function syntax for collection ctors, such as ARRAY[1, 2, 3] or MAP['a', 1, 'b', 2].
      • BINARY_OP

        static final SqlCallSyntax BINARY_OP
        Binary operator syntax, as in "x + y".

        static final SqlCallSyntax MULTIPLE_BINARY_OP
        Binary operator syntax that in Table API can accept multiple operands, as in "x AND y AND t AND w".

        static final SqlCallSyntax UNARY_SUFFIX_OP
        Postfix unary operator syntax, as in "x ++".

        static final SqlCallSyntax UNARY_PREFIX_OP
        Prefix unary operator syntax, as in "- x".
      • CAST

        static final SqlCallSyntax CAST
        Special sql syntax for CAST operators (CAST, TRY_CAST, REINTERPRET_CAST).

        Example: CAST(123 AS STRING)


        static final SqlCallSyntax SUBSTRING
        Special sql syntax for SUBSTRING operators (SUBSTRING, SUBSTR).

        Example: SUBSTR('abc' FROM 'abcdef' FOR 3)


        static final SqlCallSyntax FLOOR_OR_CEIL
        Special sql syntax for FLOOR and CEIL.


        • FLOOR(TIME ‘12:44:31’ TO MINUTE)
        • FLOOR(123)
      • TRIM

        static final SqlCallSyntax TRIM
        Special sql syntax for TRIM.

        Example: TRIM BOTH ' ' FROM 0;

      • OVERLAY

        static final SqlCallSyntax OVERLAY
        Special sql syntax for OVERLAY.

        Example: OVERLAY('abcd' PLACING 'def' FROM 3 FOR 2)

      • AS

        static final SqlCallSyntax AS
        Special sql syntax for AS. The string literal is formatted as an identifier.
      • LIKE

        static final SqlCallSyntax LIKE
        Special sql syntax for LIKE.

        Example: 'TE_ST' LIKE '%E&_S%' ESCAPE '&';