Annotation Type ExecNodeMetadata

    • Element Detail

      • name

        String name
        Unique name of the ExecNode for serialization/deserialization and uid() generation. Together with version, uniquely identifies the ExecNode class.
      • version

        int version
        A positive integer denoting the evolving version of an ExecNode, used for serialization/deserialization and uid() generation. Together with name(), uniquely identifies the ExecNode class.
      • minPlanVersion

        FlinkVersion minPlanVersion
        Used for plan validation and potentially plan migration.

        Needs to be updated when the JSON for the ExecNode changes: e.g. after adding an attribute to the JSON spec of the ExecNode.

        The annotation does not need to be updated for every Flink version. As the name suggests it is about the "minimum" version for a restore. If the minimum version is higher than the current Flink version, plan migration is necessary.

        Changing this version will always result in a new version() for the ExecNode.

        Plan migration tests can use this information.

        Completeness tests can verify that restore tests exist for all JSON plan variations.

      • minStateVersion

        FlinkVersion minStateVersion
        Used for operator and potentially savepoint migration.

        Needs to be updated whenever the state layout of an ExecNode changes. In some cases, the operator can implement and perform state migration. If the minimum version is higher than the current Flink version, savepoint migration is necessary.

        Changing this version will always result in a new ExecNode version().

        Restore tests can verify that operator migration works for all Flink state versions.

        Completeness tests can verify that restore tests exist for all state variations.

      • producedTransformations

        String[] producedTransformations
        Set of transformation names that can be part of the resulting Transformations.

        Restore and completeness tests can verify there exists at least one test that adds each operator and that the created Transformations contain only operators with Transformation.getUid() containing the given operator names.

        The concrete combinations or existence of these operators in the final pipeline depends on various parameters (both configuration and ExecNode-specific arguments such as interval size etc.).
