Class SecondInputOfTwoInputStreamOperatorOutput

    • Method Detail

      • emitWatermark

        public void emitWatermark​(Watermark mark)
        Description copied from interface: Output
        Emits a Watermark from an operator. This watermark is broadcast to all downstream operators.

        A watermark specifies that no element with a timestamp lower or equal to the watermark timestamp will be emitted in the future.

      • emitWatermarkStatus

        public void emitWatermarkStatus​(WatermarkStatus watermarkStatus)
      • emitLatencyMarker

        public void emitLatencyMarker​(LatencyMarker latencyMarker)
      • emitRecordAttributes

        public void emitRecordAttributes​(RecordAttributes recordAttributes)
        Description copied from interface: Output
        Emits a RecordAttributes from an operator. This element is broadcast to all downstream operators.
      • collect

        public void collect​(StreamRecord<RowData> record)
        Description copied from interface: Collector
        Emits a record.
        record - The record to collect.
      • collect

        public <X> void collect​(OutputTag<X> outputTag,
                                StreamRecord<X> record)
        Description copied from interface: Output
        Emits a record to the side output identified by the given OutputTag.
        record - The record to collect.
      • pushToOperator

        protected <X> void pushToOperator​(StreamRecord<X> record)