Interface SliceAssigner

    • Method Detail

      • assignSliceEnd

        long assignSliceEnd​(RowData element,
                            ClockService clock)
        Returns the end timestamp of a slice that the given element should belong.
        element - the element to which slice should belong to.
        clock - the service to get current processing time.
      • getLastWindowEnd

        long getLastWindowEnd​(long sliceEnd)
        Returns the last window which the slice belongs to. The window and slices are both identified by the end timestamp.
      • getWindowStart

        long getWindowStart​(long windowEnd)
        Returns the corresponding window start timestamp of the given window end timestamp.
      • expiredSlices

        Iterable<Long> expiredSlices​(long windowEnd)
        Returns an iterator of slices to expire when the given window is emitted. The window and slices are both identified by the end timestamp.
        windowEnd - the end timestamp of window emitted.
      • getSliceEndInterval

        long getSliceEndInterval()
        Returns the interval of slice ends, i.e. the step size to advance of the slice end when a new slice assigned.