Class CsvTableSink

    • Constructor Detail

      • CsvTableSink

        public CsvTableSink​(String path,
                            String fieldDelim,
                            int numFiles,
                            FileSystem.WriteMode writeMode,
                            String[] fieldNames,
                            DataType[] fieldTypes)
        A simple TableSink to emit data as CSV files.
        path - The output path to write the Table to.
        fieldDelim - The field delimiter
        numFiles - The number of files to write to
        writeMode - The write mode to specify whether existing files are overwritten or not.
        fieldNames - The field names of the table to emit.
        fieldTypes - The field types of the table to emit.
      • CsvTableSink

        public CsvTableSink​(String path,
                            String fieldDelim,
                            int numFiles,
                            FileSystem.WriteMode writeMode)
        A simple TableSink to emit data as CSV files.
        path - The output path to write the Table to.
        fieldDelim - The field delimiter
        numFiles - The number of files to write to
        writeMode - The write mode to specify whether existing files are overwritten or not.
      • CsvTableSink

        public CsvTableSink​(String path)
        A simple TableSink to emit data as CSV files using comma as field delimiter, with default parallelism and write mode.
        path - The output path to write the Table to.
      • CsvTableSink

        public CsvTableSink​(String path,
                            String fieldDelim)
        A simple TableSink to emit data as CSV files, with default parallelism and write mode.
        path - The output path to write the Table to.
        fieldDelim - The field delimiter