Class ZonedTimestampType

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ZonedTimestampType
    extends LogicalType
    Logical type of a timestamp WITH time zone consisting of year-month-day hour:minute:second[.fractional] zone with up to nanosecond precision and values ranging from 0000-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +14:59 to 9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999999 -14:59. Compared to the SQL standard, leap seconds (23:59:60 and 23:59:61) are not supported as the semantics are closer to OffsetDateTime.

    The serialized string representation is TIMESTAMP(p) WITH TIME ZONE where p is the number of digits of fractional seconds (=precision). p must have a value between 0 and 9 (both inclusive). If no precision is specified, p is equal to 6.

    Compared to LocalZonedTimestampType, the time zone offset information is physically stored in every datum. It is used individually for every computation, visualization, or communication to external systems.

    A conversion from ZonedDateTime ignores the zone ID.

    See Also:
    TimestampType, LocalZonedTimestampType, Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • ZonedTimestampType

        public ZonedTimestampType​(boolean isNullable,
                                  TimestampKind kind,
                                  int precision)
        Internal constructor that allows attaching additional metadata about time attribute properties. The additional metadata does not affect equality or serializability.

        Use getKind() for comparing this metadata.

      • ZonedTimestampType

        public ZonedTimestampType​(boolean isNullable,
                                  int precision)
      • ZonedTimestampType

        public ZonedTimestampType​(int precision)
      • ZonedTimestampType

        public ZonedTimestampType()
    • Method Detail

      • getPrecision

        public int getPrecision()
      • copy

        public LogicalType copy​(boolean isNullable)
        Description copied from class: LogicalType
        Returns a deep copy of this type with possibly different nullability.
        Specified by:
        copy in class LogicalType
        isNullable - the intended nullability of the copied type
        a deep copy
      • asSerializableString

        public String asSerializableString()
        Description copied from class: LogicalType
        Returns a string that fully serializes this instance. The serialized string can be used for transmitting or persisting a type.

        See LogicalTypeParser for the reverse operation.

        Specified by:
        asSerializableString in class LogicalType
        detailed string for transmission or persistence
      • asSummaryString

        public String asSummaryString()
        Description copied from class: LogicalType
        Returns a string that summarizes this type for printing to a console. An implementation might shorten long names or skips very specific properties.

        Use LogicalType.asSerializableString() for a type string that fully serializes this instance.

        asSummaryString in class LogicalType
        summary string of this type for debugging purposes
      • supportsInputConversion

        public boolean supportsInputConversion​(Class<?> clazz)
        Description copied from class: LogicalType
        Returns whether an instance of the given class can be represented as a value of this logical type when entering the table ecosystem. This method helps for the interoperability between JVM-based languages and the relational type system.

        A supported conversion directly maps an input class to a logical type without loss of precision or type widening.

        For example, java.lang.Long or long can be used as input for BIGINT independent of the set nullability.

        Specified by:
        supportsInputConversion in class LogicalType
        clazz - input class to be converted into this logical type
        flag that indicates if instances of this class can be used as input into the table ecosystem
        See Also:
      • supportsOutputConversion

        public boolean supportsOutputConversion​(Class<?> clazz)
        Description copied from class: LogicalType
        Returns whether a value of this logical type can be represented as an instance of the given class when leaving the table ecosystem. This method helps for the interoperability between JVM-based languages and the relational type system.

        A supported conversion directly maps a logical type to an output class without loss of precision or type widening.

        For example, java.lang.Long or long can be used as output for BIGINT if the type is not nullable. If the type is nullable, only java.lang.Long can represent this.

        Specified by:
        supportsOutputConversion in class LogicalType
        clazz - output class to be converted from this logical type
        flag that indicates if instances of this class can be used as output from the table ecosystem
        See Also: