Class | Description |
ConnectedComponents |
An implementation of the connected components algorithm, using a delta iteration.
ConnectedComponents$ |
An implementation of the connected components algorithm, using a delta iteration.
DeltaPageRank | |
DeltaPageRank$ | |
EnumTriangles |
Triangle enumeration is a pre-processing step to find closely connected parts in graphs.
EnumTriangles.Edge | |
EnumTriangles.Edge$ | |
EnumTriangles.Triad | |
EnumTriangles.Triad$ | |
EnumTriangles.TriadBuilder |
Builds triads (triples of vertices) from pairs of edges that share a vertex.
EnumTriangles$ |
Triangle enumeration is a pre-processing step to find closely connected parts in graphs.
PageRankBasic |
A basic implementation of the Page Rank algorithm using a bulk iteration.
PageRankBasic.AdjacencyList | |
PageRankBasic.AdjacencyList$ | |
PageRankBasic.Link | |
PageRankBasic.Link$ | |
PageRankBasic.Page | |
PageRankBasic.Page$ | |
PageRankBasic$ |
A basic implementation of the Page Rank algorithm using a bulk iteration.
TransitiveClosureNaive | |
TransitiveClosureNaive$ |
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