Interface | Description |
Checkpoint |
A checkpoint, pending or completed.
CheckpointCoordinatorGateway |
RPC Gateway interface for messages to the CheckpointCoordinator.
CheckpointFailureManager.FailJobCallback |
A callback interface about how to fail a job.
CheckpointIDCounter |
A checkpoint ID counter.
CheckpointRecoveryFactory |
A factory for per Job checkpoint recovery components.
CheckpointScheduling |
CheckpointScheduling provides methods for starting and stopping the periodic scheduling
of checkpoints. |
CheckpointStoreUtil |
CompletedCheckpointStore utility interfaces. |
CompletedCheckpointStore |
A bounded LIFO-queue of
CompletedCheckpoint instances. |
LastStateConnectionStateListener |
ConnectionStateListener which records the last state it was notified about. |
MasterTriggerRestoreHook<T> |
The interface for hooks that can be called by the checkpoint coordinator when triggering or
restoring a checkpoint.
MasterTriggerRestoreHook.Factory |
A factory to instantiate a
MasterTriggerRestoreHook . |
OperatorCoordinatorCheckpointContext |
This context is the interface through which the
CheckpointCoordinator interacts with an
OperatorCoordinator during checkpointing and checkpoint restoring. |
OperatorStateRepartitioner<T> |
Interface that allows to implement different strategies for repartitioning of operator state as
parallelism changes.
Class | Description |
AbstractCheckpointStats |
Base class for checkpoint statistics.
CheckpointCoordinator |
The checkpoint coordinator coordinates the distributed snapshots of operators and state.
CheckpointCoordinatorDeActivator |
This actor listens to changes in the JobStatus and activates or deactivates the periodic
checkpoint scheduler.
CheckpointFailureManager |
The checkpoint failure manager which centralized manage checkpoint failure processing logic.
CheckpointMetaData |
Encapsulates all the meta data for a checkpoint.
CheckpointMetrics |
A collection of simple metrics, around the triggering of a checkpoint.
CheckpointMetricsBuilder |
A builder for
CheckpointMetrics . |
CheckpointOptions |
Options for performing the checkpoint.
CheckpointProperties |
The configuration of a checkpoint.
Checkpoints |
A utility class with the methods to write/load/dispose the checkpoint and savepoint metadata.
CheckpointsCleaner |
Delegate class responsible for checkpoints cleaning and counting the number of checkpoints yet to
CheckpointStatsCounts |
Counts of checkpoints.
CheckpointStatsHistory |
An array based history of checkpoint stats.
CheckpointStatsSnapshot |
A snapshot of the checkpoint stats.
CheckpointStatsTracker |
Tracker for checkpoint statistics.
CompletedCheckpoint |
A CompletedCheckpoint describes a checkpoint after all required tasks acknowledged it (with their
state) and that is considered successful.
CompletedCheckpointStats |
Statistics for a successfully completed checkpoint.
CompletedCheckpointStatsSummary |
Summary over all completed checkpoints.
DefaultCompletedCheckpointStore<R extends ResourceVersion<R>> |
Default implementation of
CompletedCheckpointStore . |
DefaultLastStateConnectionStateListener |
A simple ConnectionState listener that remembers the last state.
EmbeddedCompletedCheckpointStore |
An embedded in-memory checkpoint store, which supports shutdown and suspend.
FailedCheckpointStats |
Statistics for a failed checkpoint.
InflightDataRescalingDescriptor |
Captures ambiguous mappings of old channels to new channels.
JobManagerTaskRestore |
This class encapsulates the data from the job manager to restore a task.
MappingBasedRepartitioner<T> |
A repartitioner that assigns the same channel state to multiple subtasks according to some
MasterState |
Simple encapsulation of state generated by checkpoint coordinator.
MinMaxAvgStats |
Helper for keeping track of min/max/average summaries.
OperatorState |
Simple container class which contains the raw/managed operator state and key-group state handles
from all sub tasks of an operator and therefore represents the complete state of a logical
OperatorSubtaskState |
This class encapsulates the state for one parallel instance of an operator.
OperatorSubtaskState.Builder |
The builder for a new
OperatorSubtaskState which can be obtained by OperatorSubtaskState.builder() . |
PendingCheckpoint |
A pending checkpoint is a checkpoint that has been started, but has not been acknowledged by all
tasks that need to acknowledge it.
PendingCheckpointStats |
Statistics for a pending checkpoint that is still in progress.
PerJobCheckpointRecoveryFactory |
CheckpointRecoveryFactory which creates and keeps separate CompletedCheckpointStore and CheckpointIDCounter for each JobID . |
PrioritizedOperatorSubtaskState |
This class is a wrapper over multiple alternative
OperatorSubtaskState that are (partial)
substitutes for each other and imposes a priority ordering over all alternatives for the
different states which define an order in which the operator should attempt to restore the state
from them. |
PrioritizedOperatorSubtaskState.Builder |
A builder for PrioritizedOperatorSubtaskState.
RescaledChannelsMapping |
Contains the fine-grain channel mappings that occur when a connected operator has been rescaled.
RestoredCheckpointStats |
Statistics for a restored checkpoint.
RoundRobinOperatorStateRepartitioner |
Current default implementation of
OperatorStateRepartitioner that redistributes state in
round robin fashion. |
StandaloneCheckpointIDCounter |
CheckpointIDCounter instances for JobManagers running in HighAvailabilityMode.NONE . |
StandaloneCheckpointRecoveryFactory |
CheckpointCoordinator components in HighAvailabilityMode.NONE . |
StandaloneCompletedCheckpointStore |
CompletedCheckpointStore for JobManagers running in HighAvailabilityMode.NONE . |
StateAssignmentOperation |
This class encapsulates the operation of assigning restored state when restoring from a
StateObjectCollection<T extends StateObject> |
This class represents a generic collection for
StateObject s. |
SubtaskState |
Container for the chained state of one parallel subtask of an operator/task.
SubtaskStateStats |
Statistics for a single subtask that is part of a checkpoint.
TaskState | Deprecated
Internal class for savepoint backwards compatibility.
TaskStateSnapshot |
This class encapsulates state handles to the snapshots of all operator instances executed within
one task.
TaskStateStats |
Statistics for a single task/operator that gathers all statistics of its subtasks and provides
summary statistics about all subtasks.
TaskStateStats.TaskStateStatsSummary |
Summary of the subtask stats of a single task/operator.
ZooKeeperCheckpointIDCounter |
CheckpointIDCounter instances for JobManagers running in HighAvailabilityMode.ZOOKEEPER . |
ZooKeeperCheckpointRecoveryFactory |
CheckpointCoordinator components in HighAvailabilityMode.ZOOKEEPER . |
Enum | Description |
CheckpointFailureReason |
Various reasons why a checkpoint was failure.
CheckpointOptions.AlignmentType |
How a checkpoint should be aligned.
CheckpointRetentionPolicy |
Policy for whether checkpoints are retained after a job terminates.
CheckpointStatsStatus |
Status of the tracked checkpoint.
CheckpointType |
The type of checkpoint to perform.
CheckpointType.PostCheckpointAction |
What's the intended action after the checkpoint (relevant for stopping with savepoint).
PendingCheckpoint.TaskAcknowledgeResult |
Result of the
PendingCheckpoint.acknowledgedTasks method. |
ZooKeeperCheckpointStoreUtil |
CheckpointStoreUtil implementation for ZooKeeper. |
Exception | Description |
CheckpointException |
Base class for checkpoint related exceptions.
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