Interface | Description |
AccessExecution |
Common interface for the runtime
Execution and ArchivedExecution . |
AccessExecutionGraph |
Common interface for the runtime
DefaultExecutionGraph and ArchivedExecutionGraph . |
AccessExecutionJobVertex |
Common interface for the runtime
ExecutionJobVertex and ArchivedExecutionJobVertex . |
AccessExecutionVertex |
Common interface for the runtime
ExecutionVertex and ArchivedExecutionVertex . |
ExecutionDeploymentListener |
A listener that is called when the deployment of an execution has been started/completed.
ExecutionGraph |
The execution graph is the central data structure that coordinates the distributed execution of a
data flow.
ExecutionStateUpdateListener |
A listener that is called when an execution switched to a new state.
InternalExecutionGraphAccessor |
This interface encapsulates all methods needed by ExecutionJobVertex / ExecutionVertices /
Execution from the DefaultExecutionGraph.
JobStatusHook |
Hooks provided by users on job status changing.
JobStatusListener |
Interface for observers that monitor the status of a job.
JobStatusProvider |
Interface for querying the state of a job and the timestamps of state transitions.
MutableVertexAttemptNumberStore |
Mutability extension to the
VertexAttemptNumberStore . |
SubtaskAttemptNumberStore |
Contains the attempt number per subtask.
VertexAttemptNumberStore |
Contains the attempt numbers per vertex.
Class | Description |
ArchivedExecution |
ArchivedExecution is a readonly representation of Execution . |
ArchivedExecutionGraph |
An archived execution graph represents a serializable form of an
ExecutionGraph . |
ArchivedExecutionJobVertex | |
ArchivedExecutionVertex |
ArchivedExecutionVertex is a readonly representation of ExecutionVertex . |
DefaultExecutionGraph |
Default implementation of the
ExecutionGraph . |
DefaultExecutionGraphBuilder |
Utility class to encapsulate the logic of building an
DefaultExecutionGraph from a JobGraph . |
DefaultSubtaskAttemptNumberStore |
Simple container for subtask attempt counts backed by a list.
DefaultVertexAttemptNumberStore |
Maintains the attempt number per subtask.
EdgeManager |
Class that manages all the connections between tasks.
EdgeManagerBuildUtil |
Utilities for building
EdgeManager . |
ErrorInfo |
Simple container to hold an exception and the corresponding timestamp.
Execution |
A single execution of a vertex.
ExecutionAttemptID |
Unique identifier for the attempt to execute a tasks.
ExecutionGraphCheckpointPlanCalculatorContext |
CheckpointPlanCalculatorContext implementation based on the information from an ExecutionGraph . |
ExecutionGraphID |
A class for statistically unique execution graph IDs.
ExecutionGraphResultPartitionAvailabilityChecker |
ResultPartitionAvailabilityChecker which decides the intermediate result partition
availability based on whether the corresponding result partition in the execution graph is
tracked. |
ExecutionHistory |
This class hosts the historical executions of an
ExecutionVertex in a LinkedHashMap with a size bound. |
ExecutionJobVertex | |
ExecutionJobVertex.Factory |
Factory to create
ExecutionJobVertex . |
ExecutionVertex |
The ExecutionVertex is a parallel subtask of the execution.
IntermediateResult | |
IntermediateResultPartition | |
IOMetrics |
An instance of this class represents a snapshot of the io-related metrics of a single task.
JobInformation |
Container class for job information which is stored in the
ExecutionGraph . |
PartitionInfo |
Contains information where to find a partition.
SimpleInitializeOnMasterContext |
A simple pojo based implementation of
JobVertex.InitializeOnMasterContext . |
SpeculativeExecutionJobVertex |
The ExecutionJobVertex which supports speculative execution.
SpeculativeExecutionJobVertex.Factory |
Factory to create
SpeculativeExecutionJobVertex . |
SpeculativeExecutionVertex |
The ExecutionVertex which supports speculative execution.
TaskExecutionStateTransition |
TaskExecutionState , along with actions to take if it is FAILED state. |
TaskInformation |
Container class for operator/task specific information which are stored at the
ExecutionJobVertex . |
VertexGroupComputeUtil |
Common utils for processing vertex groups.
Enum | Description |
NoOpExecutionDeploymentListener |
No-op implementation of
ExecutionDeploymentListener . |
Exception | Description |
ExecutionGraphException |
Base class for exceptions occurring in the
ExecutionGraph . |
IllegalExecutionStateException |
A special
IllegalStateException indicating a mismatch in the expected and actual ExecutionState of an Execution . |
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