Interface | Description |
ClientHighAvailabilityServices |
ClientHighAvailabilityServices provides services those are required on client-side. |
ClientHighAvailabilityServicesFactory |
Factory interface for
ClientHighAvailabilityServices . |
HighAvailabilityServices |
The HighAvailabilityServices give access to all services needed for a highly-available setup.
HighAvailabilityServicesFactory |
Factory interface for
HighAvailabilityServices . |
JobResultStore |
A storage for the results of globally terminated jobs.
Class | Description |
AbstractHaServices |
Abstract high availability services based on distributed system(e.g.
AbstractThreadsafeJobResultStore |
An abstract class for threadsafe implementations of the
JobResultStore . |
DefaultClientHighAvailabilityServicesFactory |
Default factory for creating client high availability services.
FileSystemJobResultStore |
An implementation of the
JobResultStore which persists job result data to an underlying
distributed filesystem. |
HighAvailabilityServicesUtils |
Utils class to instantiate
HighAvailabilityServices implementations. |
JobResultEntry |
JobResultEntry is the entity managed by the JobResultStore . |
JobResultStoreOptions |
The set of configuration options relating to the Job Result Store.
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