Class HardwareDescription

    • Constructor Detail

      • HardwareDescription

        public HardwareDescription​(int numberOfCPUCores,
                                   long sizeOfPhysicalMemory,
                                   long sizeOfJvmHeap,
                                   long sizeOfManagedMemory)
        Constructs a new hardware description object.
        numberOfCPUCores - The number of CPU cores available to the JVM on the compute node.
        sizeOfPhysicalMemory - The size of physical memory in bytes available on the compute node.
        sizeOfJvmHeap - The size of the JVM heap memory.
        sizeOfManagedMemory - The size of the memory managed by the system for caching, hashing, sorting, ...
    • Method Detail

      • getNumberOfCPUCores

        public int getNumberOfCPUCores()
        Returns the number of CPU cores available to the JVM on the compute node.
        the number of CPU cores available to the JVM on the compute node
      • getSizeOfPhysicalMemory

        public long getSizeOfPhysicalMemory()
        Returns the size of physical memory in bytes available on the compute node.
        the size of physical memory in bytes available on the compute node
      • getSizeOfJvmHeap

        public long getSizeOfJvmHeap()
        Returns the size of the JVM heap memory
        The size of the JVM heap memory
      • getSizeOfManagedMemory

        public long getSizeOfManagedMemory()
        Returns the size of the memory managed by the system for caching, hashing, sorting, ...
        The size of the memory managed by the system.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • extractFromSystem

        public static HardwareDescription extractFromSystem​(long managedMemory)