Interface PullingAsyncDataInput<T>

    • Method Detail

      • pollNext

        Optional<T> pollNext()
                      throws Exception
        Poll the next element. This method should be non blocking.
        Optional.empty() will be returned if there is no data to return or if isFinished() returns true. Otherwise Optional.of(element).
      • isFinished

        boolean isFinished()
        true if is finished and for example end of input was reached, false otherwise.
      • hasReceivedEndOfData

        PullingAsyncDataInput.EndOfDataStatus hasReceivedEndOfData()
        Tells if we consumed all available data.

        Moreover it tells us the reason why there is no more data incoming. If any of the upstream subtasks finished because of the stop-with-savepoint --no-drain, we should not drain the input. See also StopMode.