Class RegisteredRpcConnection<F extends Serializable,​G extends RpcGateway,​S extends RegistrationResponse.Success,​R extends RegistrationResponse.Rejection>

  • Type Parameters:
    F - The type of the fencing token
    G - The type of the gateway to connect to.
    S - The type of the successful registration responses.
    R - The type of the registration rejection responses.
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class RegisteredRpcConnection<F extends Serializable,​G extends RpcGateway,​S extends RegistrationResponse.Success,​R extends RegistrationResponse.Rejection>
    extends Object
    This utility class implements the basis of RPC connecting from one component to another component, for example the RPC connection from TaskExecutor to ResourceManager. This RegisteredRpcConnection implements registration and get target gateway.

    The registration gives access to a future that is completed upon successful registration. The RPC connection can be closed, for example when the target where it tries to register loses leader status.

    • Field Detail

      • log

        protected final org.slf4j.Logger log
        The logger for all log messages of this class.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RegisteredRpcConnection

        public RegisteredRpcConnection​(org.slf4j.Logger log,
                                       String targetAddress,
                                       F fencingToken,
                                       Executor executor)
    • Method Detail

      • start

        public void start()
      • tryReconnect

        public boolean tryReconnect()
        Tries to reconnect to the targetAddress by cancelling the pending registration and starting a new pending registration.
        false if the connection has been closed or a concurrent modification has happened; otherwise true
      • generateRegistration

        protected abstract RetryingRegistration<F,​G,​S,​R> generateRegistration()
        This method generate a specific Registration, for example TaskExecutor Registration at the ResourceManager.
      • onRegistrationSuccess

        protected abstract void onRegistrationSuccess​(S success)
        This method handle the Registration Response.
      • onRegistrationRejection

        protected abstract void onRegistrationRejection​(R rejection)
        This method handles the Registration rejection.
        rejection - rejection containing additional information about the rejection
      • onRegistrationFailure

        protected abstract void onRegistrationFailure​(Throwable failure)
        This method handle the Registration failure.
      • close

        public void close()
        Close connection.
      • isClosed

        public boolean isClosed()
      • getTargetLeaderId

        public F getTargetLeaderId()
      • getTargetAddress

        public String getTargetAddress()
      • getTargetGateway

        public G getTargetGateway()
        Gets the RegisteredGateway. This returns null until the registration is completed.
      • isConnected

        public boolean isConnected()