Interface VertexStatsTracker<T extends Statistics>

    • Method Detail

      • getJobVertexStats

        Optional<T> getJobVertexStats​(JobID jobId,
                                      AccessExecutionJobVertex vertex)
        Returns statistics for a job vertex. Automatically triggers sampling request if statistics are not available or outdated.
        jobId - job the vertex belongs to
        vertex - Vertex to get the stats for.
        Statistics for a job vertex. This interface is intended to be used for polling request and for the duration while the statistics are being gathered, the returned Optional can be empty.
      • getExecutionVertexStats

        Optional<T> getExecutionVertexStats​(JobID jobId,
                                            AccessExecutionJobVertex vertex,
                                            int subtaskIndex)
        Returns statistics for a execution vertex. Automatically triggers sampling request if statistics are not available or outdated.

        Note: A single subtask may have multiple attempts, it will return the result of all attempts.

        jobId - job the vertex belongs to
        vertex - Vertex to get the stats for.
        subtaskIndex - SubtaskIndex to get the stats for.
        Statistics for a execution vertex. This interface is intended to be used for polling request and for the duration while the statistics are being gathered, the returned Optional can be empty.