Class Watermark

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class Watermark
    extends StreamElement
    A Watermark tells operators that no elements with a timestamp older or equal to the watermark timestamp should arrive at the operator. Watermarks are emitted at the sources and propagate through the operators of the topology. Operators must themselves emit watermarks to downstream operators using Output.emitWatermark(Watermark). Operators that do not internally buffer elements can always forward the watermark that they receive. Operators that buffer elements, such as window operators, must forward a watermark after emission of elements that is triggered by the arriving watermark.

    In some cases a watermark is only a heuristic and operators should be able to deal with late elements. They can either discard those or update the result and emit updates/retractions to downstream operations.

    When a source closes it will emit a final watermark with timestamp Long.MAX_VALUE. When an operator receives this it will know that no more input will be arriving in the future.

    • Field Detail


        public static final Watermark MAX_WATERMARK
        The watermark that signifies end-of-event-time.

        public static final Watermark UNINITIALIZED
        The watermark that signifies is used before any actual watermark has been generated.
      • timestamp

        protected final long timestamp
        The timestamp of the watermark in milliseconds.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Watermark

        public Watermark​(long timestamp)
        Creates a new watermark with the given timestamp in milliseconds.
    • Method Detail

      • getTimestamp

        public long getTimestamp()
        Returns the timestamp associated with this Watermark in milliseconds.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object