Class Window

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    CountWindow, TimeWindow

    public abstract class Window
    extends Object
    implements Comparable<Window>
    A Window is a grouping of elements into finite buckets. Windows have a maximum timestamp which means that, at some point, all elements that go into one window will have arrived.

    Subclasses should implement equals() and hashCode() so that logically same windows are treated the same.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Window

        public Window()
    • Method Detail

      • maxTimestamp

        public abstract long maxTimestamp()
        Gets the largest timestamp that still belongs to this window.
        The largest timestamp that still belongs to this window.
      • hashCode

        public abstract int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public abstract boolean equals​(Object obj)
        equals in class Object