Interface PatternFlatTimeoutFunction<IN,​OUT>

  • Type Parameters:
    IN -
    OUT -
    All Superinterfaces:
    Function, Serializable

    public interface PatternFlatTimeoutFunction<IN,​OUT>
    extends Function, Serializable
    Base interface for a pattern timeout function which can produce multiple resulting elements. A pattern flat timeout function is called with a map of partial events which are identified by their names and the timestamp when the timeout occurred. The names are defined by the Pattern specifying the sought-after pattern. Additionally, a collector is provided as a parameter. The collector is used to emit an arbitrary number of resulting elements.
     PatternStream<IN> pattern = ...
     DataStream<OUT> result = pattern.flatSelect(..., new MyPatternFlatTimeoutFunction());
    • Method Detail

      • timeout

        void timeout​(Map<String,​List<IN>> pattern,
                     long timeoutTimestamp,
                     Collector<OUT> out)
              throws Exception
        Generates zero or more resulting timeout elements given a map of partial pattern events and the timestamp of the timeout. The events are identified by their specified names.
        pattern - Map containing the partial pattern. Events are identified by their names.
        timeoutTimestamp - Timestamp when the timeout occurred
        out - Collector used to output the generated elements
        Exception - This method may throw exceptions. Throwing an exception will cause the operation to fail and may trigger recovery.