Class ClusterClientJobClientAdapter<ClusterID>

    • Method Detail

      • getJobID

        public JobID getJobID()
        Description copied from interface: JobClient
        Returns the JobID that uniquely identifies the job this client is scoped to.
        Specified by:
        getJobID in interface JobClient
      • stopWithSavepoint

        public CompletableFuture<String> stopWithSavepoint​(boolean advanceToEndOfEventTime,
                                                           String savepointDirectory,
                                                           SavepointFormatType formatType)
        Description copied from interface: JobClient
        Stops the associated job on Flink cluster.

        Stopping works only for streaming programs. Be aware, that the job might continue to run for a while after sending the stop command, because after sources stopped to emit data all operators need to finish processing.

        Specified by:
        stopWithSavepoint in interface JobClient
        advanceToEndOfEventTime - flag indicating if the source should inject a MAX_WATERMARK in the pipeline
        savepointDirectory - directory the savepoint should be written to
        formatType - binary format of the savepoint
        a CompletableFuture containing the path where the savepoint is located
      • getAccumulators

        public CompletableFuture<Map<String,​Object>> getAccumulators()
        Description copied from interface: JobClient
        Requests the accumulators of the associated job. Accumulators can be requested while it is running or after it has finished. The class loader is used to deserialize the incoming accumulator results.
        Specified by:
        getAccumulators in interface JobClient
      • sendCoordinationRequest

        public CompletableFuture<CoordinationResponse> sendCoordinationRequest​(String operatorUid,
                                                                               CoordinationRequest request)
        Description copied from interface: CoordinationRequestGateway
        Send out a request to a specified coordinator and return the response.

        On the client side, a unique operatorUid must be defined to identify an operator. Otherwise, the query cannot be executed correctly. Note that we use operatorUid instead of operatorID because the latter is an internal runtime concept that cannot be recognized by the client.

        Specified by:
        sendCoordinationRequest in interface CoordinationRequestGateway
        operatorUid - specifies which coordinator to receive the request
        request - the request to send
        the response from the coordinator
      • reportHeartbeat

        public void reportHeartbeat​(long expiredTimestamp)
        Description copied from interface: JobClient
        The client reports the heartbeat to the dispatcher for aliveness.
        Specified by:
        reportHeartbeat in interface JobClient