Interface HeartbeatTarget<I>

  • Type Parameters:
    I - Type of the payload which is sent to the heartbeat target
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    HeartbeatReceiver, HeartbeatSender, NoOpHeartbeatManager

    public interface HeartbeatTarget<I>
    Interface for components which can be sent heartbeats and from which one can request a heartbeat response. Both the heartbeat response as well as the heartbeat request can carry a payload. This payload is reported to the heartbeat target and contains additional information. The payload can be empty which is indicated by a null value.
    • Method Detail

      • receiveHeartbeat

        CompletableFuture<Void> receiveHeartbeat​(ResourceID heartbeatOrigin,
                                                 I heartbeatPayload)
        Sends a heartbeat response to the target. Each heartbeat response can carry a payload which contains additional information for the heartbeat target.
        heartbeatOrigin - Resource ID identifying the machine for which a heartbeat shall be reported.
        heartbeatPayload - Payload of the heartbeat. Null indicates an empty payload.
        Future that is completed exceptionally if the heartbeat response could not be sent to the target
      • requestHeartbeat

        CompletableFuture<Void> requestHeartbeat​(ResourceID requestOrigin,
                                                 I heartbeatPayload)
        Requests a heartbeat from the target. Each heartbeat request can carry a payload which contains additional information for the heartbeat target.
        requestOrigin - Resource ID identifying the machine issuing the heartbeat request.
        heartbeatPayload - Payload of the heartbeat request. Null indicates an empty payload.
        Future that is completed exceptionally if the heartbeat request could not be sent to the target