Class NoOpHeartbeatServices

    • Method Detail

      • createHeartbeatManager

        public <I,​O> HeartbeatManager<I,​O> createHeartbeatManager​(ResourceID resourceId,
                                                                              HeartbeatListener<I,​O> heartbeatListener,
                                                                              ScheduledExecutor mainThreadExecutor,
                                                                              org.slf4j.Logger log)
        Description copied from interface: HeartbeatServices
        Creates a heartbeat manager which does not actively send heartbeats.
        Specified by:
        createHeartbeatManager in interface HeartbeatServices
        Type Parameters:
        I - Type of the incoming payload
        O - Type of the outgoing payload
        resourceId - Resource Id which identifies the owner of the heartbeat manager
        heartbeatListener - Listener which will be notified upon heartbeat timeouts for registered targets
        mainThreadExecutor - Scheduled executor to be used for scheduling heartbeat timeouts
        log - Logger to be used for the logging
        A new HeartbeatManager instance
      • createHeartbeatManagerSender

        public <I,​O> HeartbeatManager<I,​O> createHeartbeatManagerSender​(ResourceID resourceId,
                                                                                    HeartbeatListener<I,​O> heartbeatListener,
                                                                                    ScheduledExecutor mainThreadExecutor,
                                                                                    org.slf4j.Logger log)
        Description copied from interface: HeartbeatServices
        Creates a heartbeat manager which actively sends heartbeats to monitoring targets.
        Specified by:
        createHeartbeatManagerSender in interface HeartbeatServices
        Type Parameters:
        I - Type of the incoming payload
        O - Type of the outgoing payload
        resourceId - Resource Id which identifies the owner of the heartbeat manager
        heartbeatListener - Listener which will be notified upon heartbeat timeouts for registered targets
        mainThreadExecutor - Scheduled executor to be used for scheduling heartbeat timeouts and periodically send heartbeat requests
        log - Logger to be used for the logging
        A new HeartbeatManager instance which actively sends heartbeats