Interface LeaderRetrievalService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    DefaultLeaderRetrievalService, StandaloneLeaderRetrievalService

    public interface LeaderRetrievalService
    This interface has to be implemented by a service which retrieves the current leader and notifies a listener about it.

    Prior to using this service it has to be started by calling the start method. The start method also takes the LeaderRetrievalListener as an argument. The service can only be started once.

    The service should be stopped by calling the stop method.

    • Method Detail

      • start

        void start​(LeaderRetrievalListener listener)
            throws Exception
        Starts the leader retrieval service with the given listener to listen for new leaders. This method can only be called once.
        listener - The leader retrieval listener which will be notified about new leaders.
      • stop

        void stop()
           throws Exception
        Stops the leader retrieval service.