Interface MetricRegistry

    • Method Detail

      • getDelimiter

        char getDelimiter()
        Returns the global delimiter.
        global delimiter
      • getNumberReporters

        int getNumberReporters()
        Returns the number of registered reporters.
      • register

        void register​(Metric metric,
                      String metricName,
                      AbstractMetricGroup group)
        Registers a new Metric with this registry.
        metric - the metric that was added
        metricName - the name of the metric
        group - the group that contains the metric
      • unregister

        void unregister​(Metric metric,
                        String metricName,
                        AbstractMetricGroup group)
        Un-registers the given Metric with this registry.
        metric - the metric that should be removed
        metricName - the name of the metric
        group - the group that contains the metric
      • getScopeFormats

        ScopeFormats getScopeFormats()
        Returns the scope formats.
        scope formats
      • getMetricQueryServiceGatewayRpcAddress

        default String getMetricQueryServiceGatewayRpcAddress()
        Returns the gateway of the MetricQueryService or null, if none is started.
        Gateway of the MetricQueryService or null, if none is started