Class AbstractMetricGroup<A extends AbstractMetricGroup<?>>

  • Type Parameters:
    A - The type of the parent MetricGroup
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ComponentMetricGroup, GenericMetricGroup, ProcessMetricGroup, ResourceManagerMetricGroup, SlotManagerMetricGroup

    public abstract class AbstractMetricGroup<A extends AbstractMetricGroup<?>>
    extends Object
    implements MetricGroup
    Abstract MetricGroup that contains key functionality for adding metrics and groups.


    This class uses locks for adding and removing metrics objects. This is done to prevent resource leaks in the presence of concurrently closing a group and adding metrics and subgroups. Since closing groups recursively closes the subgroups, the lock acquisition order must be strictly from parent group to subgroup. If at any point, a subgroup holds its group lock and calls a parent method that also acquires the lock, it will create a deadlock condition.

    An AbstractMetricGroup can be closed. Upon closing, the group de-register all metrics from any metrics reporter and any internal maps. Note that even closed metrics groups return Counters, Gauges, etc to the code, to prevent exceptions in the monitored code. These metrics simply do not get reported any more, when created on a closed group.

    • Field Detail

      • LOG

        protected static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG
      • parent

        protected final A extends AbstractMetricGroup<?> parent
        The parent group containing this group.
      • variables

        protected volatile Map<String,​String>[] variables
        The map containing all variables and their associated values, lazily computed.
      • registry

        protected final MetricRegistry registry
        The registry that this metrics group belongs to.
      • queryServiceScopeInfo

        protected QueryScopeInfo queryServiceScopeInfo
        The metrics query service scope represented by this group, lazily computed.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractMetricGroup

        public AbstractMetricGroup​(MetricRegistry registry,
                                   String[] scope,
                                   A parent)
    • Method Detail

      • getAllVariables

        public Map<String,​String> getAllVariables()
        Description copied from interface: MetricGroup
        Returns a map of all variables and their associated value, for example {"<host>"="host-7", "<tm_id>"="taskmanager-2"}.
        Specified by:
        getAllVariables in interface MetricGroup
        map of all variables and their associated value
      • putVariables

        protected void putVariables​(Map<String,​String> variables)
        Enters all variables specific to this AbstractMetricGroup and their associated values into the map.
        variables - map to enter variables and their values into
      • getLogicalScope

        public String getLogicalScope​(CharacterFilter filter)
        Returns the logical scope of this group, for example "taskmanager.job.task".
        filter - character filter which is applied to the scope components
        logical scope
      • getLogicalScope

        public String getLogicalScope​(CharacterFilter filter,
                                      char delimiter)
        Returns the logical scope of this group, for example "taskmanager.job.task".
        filter - character filter which is applied to the scope components
        logical scope
      • getGroupName

        protected abstract String getGroupName​(CharacterFilter filter)
        Returns the name for this group, meaning what kind of entity it represents, for example "taskmanager".
        filter - character filter which is applied to the name
        logical name for this group
      • getQueryServiceMetricInfo

        public QueryScopeInfo getQueryServiceMetricInfo​(CharacterFilter filter)
        Returns the metric query service scope for this group.
        filter - character filter
        query service scope
      • createQueryServiceMetricInfo

        protected abstract QueryScopeInfo createQueryServiceMetricInfo​(CharacterFilter filter)
        Creates the metric query service scope for this group.
        filter - character filter
        query service scope
      • getMetricIdentifier

        public String getMetricIdentifier​(String metricName)
        Returns the fully qualified metric name, for example "".
        Specified by:
        getMetricIdentifier in interface MetricGroup
        metricName - metric name
        fully qualified metric name
      • getMetricIdentifier

        public String getMetricIdentifier​(String metricName,
                                          CharacterFilter filter)
        Returns the fully qualified metric name, for example "".
        Specified by:
        getMetricIdentifier in interface MetricGroup
        metricName - metric name
        filter - character filter which is applied to the scope components if not null.
        fully qualified metric name
      • getMetricIdentifier

        public String getMetricIdentifier​(String metricName,
                                          CharacterFilter filter,
                                          int reporterIndex,
                                          char delimiter)
        Returns the fully qualified metric name using the configured delimiter for the reporter with the given index, for example "".
        metricName - metric name
        filter - character filter which is applied to the scope components if not null.
        reporterIndex - index of the reporter whose delimiter should be used
        delimiter - delimiter to use
        fully qualified metric name
      • close

        public void close()
      • isClosed

        public final boolean isClosed()
      • counter

        public Counter counter​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: MetricGroup
        Creates and registers a new Counter with Flink.
        Specified by:
        counter in interface MetricGroup
        name - name of the counter
        the created counter
      • counter

        public <C extends Counter> C counter​(String name,
                                             C counter)
        Description copied from interface: MetricGroup
        Registers a Counter with Flink.
        Specified by:
        counter in interface MetricGroup
        Type Parameters:
        C - counter type
        name - name of the counter
        counter - counter to register
        the given counter
      • gauge

        public <T,​G extends Gauge<T>> G gauge​(String name,
                                                    G gauge)
        Description copied from interface: MetricGroup
        Registers a new Gauge with Flink.
        Specified by:
        gauge in interface MetricGroup
        Type Parameters:
        T - return type of the gauge
        name - name of the gauge
        gauge - gauge to register
        the given gauge
      • histogram

        public <H extends Histogram> H histogram​(String name,
                                                 H histogram)
        Description copied from interface: MetricGroup
        Registers a new Histogram with Flink.
        Specified by:
        histogram in interface MetricGroup
        Type Parameters:
        H - histogram type
        name - name of the histogram
        histogram - histogram to register
        the registered histogram
      • meter

        public <M extends Meter> M meter​(String name,
                                         M meter)
        Description copied from interface: MetricGroup
        Registers a new Meter with Flink.
        Specified by:
        meter in interface MetricGroup
        Type Parameters:
        M - meter type
        name - name of the meter
        meter - meter to register
        the registered meter
      • addMetric

        protected void addMetric​(String name,
                                 Metric metric)
        Adds the given metric to the group and registers it at the registry, if the group is not yet closed, and if no metric with the same name has been registered before.
        name - the name to register the metric under
        metric - the metric to register
      • addGroup

        public MetricGroup addGroup​(String name)
        Description copied from interface: MetricGroup
        Creates a new MetricGroup and adds it to this groups sub-groups.
        Specified by:
        addGroup in interface MetricGroup
        name - name of the group
        the created group
      • addGroup

        public MetricGroup addGroup​(String key,
                                    String value)
        Description copied from interface: MetricGroup
        Creates a new key-value MetricGroup pair. The key group is added to this groups sub-groups, while the value group is added to the key group's sub-groups. This method returns the value group.

        The only difference between calling this method and group.addGroup(key).addGroup(value) is that MetricGroup.getAllVariables() of the value group return an additional "<key>"="value" pair.

        Specified by:
        addGroup in interface MetricGroup
        key - name of the first group
        value - name of the second group
        the second created group