Class IncrementalRemoteKeyedStateHandle

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, CheckpointBoundKeyedStateHandle, CompositeStateHandle, IncrementalKeyedStateHandle, KeyedStateHandle, StateObject

    public class IncrementalRemoteKeyedStateHandle
    extends AbstractIncrementalStateHandle
    The handle to states of an incremental snapshot.

    The states contained in an incremental snapshot include:

    • Created shared state which includes shared files produced since the last completed checkpoint. These files can be referenced by succeeding checkpoints if the checkpoint succeeds to complete.
    • Referenced shared state which includes the shared files materialized in previous checkpoints. Until we this is registered to a SharedStateRegistry, all referenced shared state handles are only placeholders, so that we do not send state handles twice from which we know that they already exist on the checkpoint coordinator.
    • Private state which includes all other files, typically mutable, that cannot be shared by other checkpoints.
    • Backend meta state which includes the information of existing states.
    When this should become a completed checkpoint on the checkpoint coordinator, it must first be registered with a SharedStateRegistry, so that all placeholder state handles to previously existing state are replaced with the originals.

    IMPORTANT: This class currently overrides equals and hash code only for testing purposes. They should not be called from production code. This means this class is also not suited to serve as a key, e.g. in hash maps.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form