Class KeyGroupRangeOffsets

    • Constructor Detail

      • KeyGroupRangeOffsets

        public KeyGroupRangeOffsets​(KeyGroupRange keyGroupRange,
                                    long[] offsets)
        Creates key-group range with offsets from the given key-group range. The order of given offsets must be aligned with respect to the key-groups in the range.
        keyGroupRange - The range of key-groups.
        offsets - The aligned array of offsets for the given key-groups.
      • KeyGroupRangeOffsets

        public KeyGroupRangeOffsets​(int rangeStart,
                                    int rangeEnd,
                                    long[] offsets)
        Creates key-group range with offsets from the given start key-group to end key-group. The order of given offsets must be aligned with respect to the key-groups in the range.
        rangeStart - Start key-group of the range (inclusive)
        rangeEnd - End key-group of the range (inclusive)
        offsets - The aligned array of offsets for the given key-groups.
      • KeyGroupRangeOffsets

        public KeyGroupRangeOffsets​(int rangeStart,
                                    int rangeEnd)
        Creates key-group range with offsets from the given start key-group to end key-group. All offsets are initially zero.
        rangeStart - Start key-group of the range (inclusive)
        rangeEnd - End key-group of the range (inclusive)
      • KeyGroupRangeOffsets

        public KeyGroupRangeOffsets​(KeyGroupRange keyGroupRange)
        Creates key-group range with offsets for the given key-group range, where all offsets are initially zero.
        keyGroupRange - The range of key-groups.
    • Method Detail

      • getKeyGroupOffset

        public long getKeyGroupOffset​(int keyGroup)
        Returns the offset for the given key-group. The key-group must be contained in the range.
        keyGroup - Key-group for which we query the offset. Key-group must be contained in the range.
        The offset for the given key-group which must be contained in the range.
      • setKeyGroupOffset

        public void setKeyGroupOffset​(int keyGroup,
                                      long offset)
        Sets the offset for the given key-group. The key-group must be contained in the range.
        keyGroup - Key-group for which we set the offset. Must be contained in the range.
        offset - Offset for the key-group.
      • getIntersection

        public KeyGroupRangeOffsets getIntersection​(KeyGroupRange keyGroupRange)
        Returns a key-group range with offsets which is the intersection of the internal key-group range with the given key-group range.
        keyGroupRange - Key-group range to intersect with the internal key-group range.
        The key-group range with offsets for the intersection of the internal key-group range with the given key-group range.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object