Class CoreModule

    • Field Detail

      • INSTANCE

        public static final CoreModule INSTANCE
    • Method Detail

      • listFunctions

        public Set<String> listFunctions()
        Description copied from interface: Module
        List names of all functions in this module. It excludes internal functions.
        Specified by:
        listFunctions in interface Module
        a set of function names
      • listFunctions

        public Set<String> listFunctions​(boolean includeHiddenFunctions)
        Description copied from interface: Module
        List names of all functions in this module.

        A module can decide to hide certain functions. For example, internal functions that can be resolved via Module.getFunctionDefinition(String) but should not be listed by default.

        Specified by:
        listFunctions in interface Module
        includeHiddenFunctions - whether to list hidden functions or not
        a set of function names