Class JobStatusObserver<R extends AbstractFlinkResource<?,​?>>

  • public class JobStatusObserver<R extends AbstractFlinkResource<?,​?>>
    extends java.lang.Object
    An observer to observe the job status.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JobStatusObserver

        public JobStatusObserver​(EventRecorder eventRecorder)
    • Method Detail

      • observe

        public boolean observe​(FlinkResourceContext<R> ctx)
        Observe the status of the flink job.
        ctx - Resource context.
        If job found return true, otherwise return false.
      • onTargetJobNotFound

        protected void onTargetJobNotFound​(FlinkResourceContext<R> ctx)
        Callback when no matching target job was found on a cluster where jobs were found.
        ctx - The Flink resource context.
      • onTimeout

        protected void onTimeout​(FlinkResourceContext<R> ctx)
        Callback when list jobs timeout.
        ctx - Resource context.