Allowed locations for configuration directives.
Collaboration diagram for Allowed locations for configuration directives.:


#define OR_NONE   0
#define OR_LIMIT   1
#define OR_OPTIONS   2
#define OR_FILEINFO   4
#define OR_AUTHCFG   8
#define OR_INDEXES   16
#define OR_UNSET   32
#define ACCESS_CONF   64
#define RSRC_CONF   128
#define EXEC_ON_READ   256
#define NONFATAL_OVERRIDE   512 /* Violation of AllowOverride rule */
#define NONFATAL_UNKNOWN   1024 /* Unrecognised directive */
#define PROXY_CONF   2048

Detailed Description

The allowed locations for a configuration directive are the union of those indicated by each set bit in the req_override mask.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ACCESS_CONF   64

*.conf inside <Directory> or <Location>


#define EXEC_ON_READ   256

force directive to execute a command which would modify the configuration (like including another file, or IFModule




#define NONFATAL_OVERRIDE   512 /* Violation of AllowOverride rule */


#define NONFATAL_UNKNOWN   1024 /* Unrecognised directive */


this directive can be placed anywhere


#define OR_AUTHCFG   8

*.conf inside <Directory> or <Location> and .htaccess when AllowOverride AuthConfig


#define OR_FILEINFO   4

*.conf anywhere and .htaccess when AllowOverride FileInfo


#define OR_INDEXES   16

*.conf anywhere and .htaccess when AllowOverride Indexes


#define OR_LIMIT   1

*.conf inside <Directory> or <Location> and .htaccess when AllowOverride Limit


#define OR_NONE   0

*.conf is not available anywhere in this override


#define OR_OPTIONS   2

*.conf anywhere and .htaccess when AllowOverride Options


#define OR_UNSET   32

bit to indicate that AllowOverride has not been set


#define PROXY_CONF   2048

*.conf inside <Proxy> only


#define RSRC_CONF   128

*.conf outside <Directory> or <Location>