Class AbstractIoBuffer

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractIoBuffer

        protected AbstractIoBuffer​(IoBufferAllocator allocator,
                                   int initialCapacity)
        Creates a new parent buffer.
        allocator - The allocator to use to create new buffers
        initialCapacity - The initial buffer capacity when created
      • AbstractIoBuffer

        protected AbstractIoBuffer​(AbstractIoBuffer parent)
        Creates a new derived buffer. A derived buffer uses an existing buffer properties - the allocator and capacity -.
        parent - The buffer we get the properties from
    • Method Detail

      • buf

        protected abstract void buf​(ByteBuffer newBuf)
        Sets the underlying NIO buffer instance.
        newBuf - The buffer to store within this IoBuffer
      • minimumCapacity

        public final int minimumCapacity()
        Specified by:
        minimumCapacity in class IoBuffer
        the minimum capacity of this buffer which is used to determine the new capacity of the buffer shrunk by the IoBuffer.compact() and IoBuffer.shrink() operation. The default value is the initial capacity of the buffer.
      • minimumCapacity

        public final IoBuffer minimumCapacity​(int minimumCapacity)
        Sets the minimum capacity of this buffer which is used to determine the new capacity of the buffer shrunk by IoBuffer.compact() and IoBuffer.shrink() operation. The default value is the initial capacity of the buffer.
        Specified by:
        minimumCapacity in class IoBuffer
        minimumCapacity - the wanted minimum capacity
        the underlying NIO ByteBuffer instance.
      • capacity

        public final IoBuffer capacity​(int newCapacity)
        Increases the capacity of this buffer. If the new capacity is less than or equal to the current capacity, this method returns the original buffer. If the new capacity is greater than the current capacity, the buffer is reallocated while retaining the position, limit, mark and the content of the buffer.
        Note that the IoBuffer is replaced, it's not copied.
        Assuming a buffer contains N bytes, its position is 0 and its current capacity is C, here are the resulting buffer if we set the new capacity to a value V < C and V > C :
          Initial buffer :
           0       L          C
          |XXXXXXXX|          |
           ^       ^          ^
           |       |          |
          pos    limit     capacity
         V <= C :
           0       L          C
          |XXXXXXXX|          |
           ^       ^          ^
           |       |          |
          pos    limit   newCapacity
         V > C :
           0       L          C            V
          |XXXXXXXX|          :            |
           ^       ^          ^            ^
           |       |          |            |
          pos    limit   oldCapacity  newCapacity
          The buffer has been increased.
        Specified by:
        capacity in class IoBuffer
        newCapacity - the wanted capacity
        the underlying NIO ByteBuffer instance.
      • isAutoExpand

        public final boolean isAutoExpand()
        Specified by:
        isAutoExpand in class IoBuffer
        true if and only if autoExpand is turned on.
      • isAutoShrink

        public final boolean isAutoShrink()
        Specified by:
        isAutoShrink in class IoBuffer
        true if and only if autoShrink is turned on.
      • setAutoExpand

        public final IoBuffer setAutoExpand​(boolean autoExpand)
        Turns on or off autoExpand.
        Specified by:
        setAutoExpand in class IoBuffer
        autoExpand - The flag value to set
        The modified IoBuffer instance
      • setAutoShrink

        public final IoBuffer setAutoShrink​(boolean autoShrink)
        Turns on or off autoShrink.
        Specified by:
        setAutoShrink in class IoBuffer
        autoShrink - The flag value to set
        The modified IoBuffer instance
      • expand

        public final IoBuffer expand​(int expectedRemaining)
        Changes the capacity and limit of this buffer so this buffer get the specified expectedRemaining room from the current position. This method works even if you didn't set autoExpand to true.
        Assuming a buffer contains N bytes, its position is P and its current capacity is C, here are the resulting buffer if we call the expand method with a expectedRemaining value V :
          Initial buffer :
           0       L          C
          |XXXXXXXX|          |
           ^       ^          ^
           |       |          |
          pos    limit     capacity
         ( pos + V )  <= L, no change :
           0       L          C
          |XXXXXXXX|          |
           ^       ^          ^
           |       |          |
          pos    limit   newCapacity
         You can still put ( L - pos ) bytes in the buffer
         ( pos + V ) > L & ( pos + V ) <= C :
          0        L          C
          |XXXXXXXX:...|      |
           ^           ^      ^
           |           |      |
          pos       newlimit  newCapacity
          You can now put ( L - pos + V )  bytes in the buffer.
          ( pos + V ) > C
           0       L          C
           ^                       ^
           |                       |
          pos                      +-- newlimit
                                   +-- newCapacity
         You can now put ( L - pos + V ) bytes in the buffer, which limit is now
         equals to the capacity.
        Note that the expecting remaining bytes starts at the current position. In all those examples, the position is 0.
        Specified by:
        expand in class IoBuffer
        expectedRemaining - The expected remaining bytes in the buffer
        The modified IoBuffer instance
      • expand

        public final IoBuffer expand​(int pos,
                                     int expectedRemaining)
        Changes the capacity and limit of this buffer so this buffer get the specified expectedRemaining room from the specified position. This method works even if you didn't set autoExpand to true. Assuming a buffer contains N bytes, its position is P and its current capacity is C, here are the resulting buffer if we call the expand method with a expectedRemaining value V :
          Initial buffer :
              P    L          C
          |XXXXXXXX|          |
              ^    ^          ^
              |    |          |
             pos limit     capacity
         ( pos + V )  <= L, no change :
              P    L          C
          |XXXXXXXX|          |
              ^    ^          ^
              |    |          |
             pos limit   newCapacity
         You can still put ( L - pos ) bytes in the buffer
         ( pos + V ) > L & ( pos + V ) <= C :
              P    L          C
          |XXXXXXXX:...|      |
              ^        ^      ^
              |        |      |
             pos    newlimit  newCapacity
          You can now put ( L - pos + V)  bytes in the buffer.
          ( pos + V ) > C
              P       L          C
              ^                    ^
              |                    |
             pos                   +-- newlimit
                                   +-- newCapacity
         You can now put ( L - pos + V ) bytes in the buffer, which limit is now
         equals to the capacity.
        Note that the expecting remaining bytes starts at the current position. In all those examples, the position is P.
        Specified by:
        expand in class IoBuffer
        pos - The starting position from which we want to define a remaining number of bytes
        expectedRemaining - The expected remaining bytes in the buffer
        The modified IoBuffer instance
      • shrink

        public final IoBuffer shrink()
        Changes the capacity of this buffer so this buffer occupies as less memory as possible while retaining the position, limit and the buffer content between the position and limit.
        The capacity of the buffer never becomes less than IoBuffer.minimumCapacity()
        . The mark is discarded once the capacity changes.
        Typically, a call to this method tries to remove as much unused bytes as possible, dividing by two the initial capacity until it can't without obtaining a new capacity lower than the IoBuffer.minimumCapacity(). For instance, if the limit is 7 and the capacity is 36, with a minimum capacity of 8, shrinking the buffer will left a capacity of 9 (we go down from 36 to 18, then from 18 to 9).
          Initial buffer :
          |XXXXXXXX|          |
              ^    ^  ^       ^
              |    |  |       |
             pos   |  |    capacity
                   |  |
                   |  +-- minimumCapacity
                   +-- limit
         Resulting buffer :
          |XXXXXXXX|  | |
              ^    ^  ^ ^
              |    |  | |
              |    |  | +-- new capacity
              |    |  |
             pos   |  +-- minimum capacity
                   +-- limit
        Specified by:
        shrink in class IoBuffer
        The modified IoBuffer instance
      • position

        public final IoBuffer position​(int newPosition)
        Specified by:
        position in class IoBuffer
        newPosition - Sets the new position in the buffer
        the modified IoBuffer
        See Also:
      • limit

        public final int limit()
        Specified by:
        limit in class IoBuffer
        the modified IoBuffer 's limit
        See Also:
      • limit

        public final IoBuffer limit​(int newLimit)
        Specified by:
        limit in class IoBuffer
        newLimit - The new buffer's limit
        the modified IoBuffer
        See Also:
      • markValue

        public final int markValue()
        Specified by:
        markValue in class IoBuffer
        the position of the current mark. This method returns -1 if no mark is set.
      • sweep

        public final IoBuffer sweep()
        Clears this buffer and fills its content with NUL. The position is set to zero, the limit is set to the capacity, and the mark is discarded.
        Specified by:
        sweep in class IoBuffer
        the modified IoBuffer
      • sweep

        public final IoBuffer sweep​(byte value)
        double Clears this buffer and fills its content with value. The position is set to zero, the limit is set to the capacity, and the mark is discarded.
        Specified by:
        sweep in class IoBuffer
        value - The value to put in the buffer
        the modified IoBuffer
      • get

        public final byte get()
        Specified by:
        get in class IoBuffer
        The byte at the current position
        See Also:
      • getUnsigned

        public final short getUnsigned()
        Reads one unsigned byte as a short integer.
        Specified by:
        getUnsigned in class IoBuffer
        the unsigned short at the current position
      • putUnsigned

        public IoBuffer putUnsigned​(byte value)
        Writes an unsigned byte into the ByteBuffer
        Specified by:
        putUnsigned in class IoBuffer
        value - the byte to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsigned

        public IoBuffer putUnsigned​(int index,
                                    byte value)
        Writes an unsigned byte into the ByteBuffer at a specified position
        Specified by:
        putUnsigned in class IoBuffer
        index - the position in the buffer to write the value
        value - the byte to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsigned

        public IoBuffer putUnsigned​(short value)
        Writes an unsigned byte into the ByteBuffer
        Specified by:
        putUnsigned in class IoBuffer
        value - the short to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsigned

        public IoBuffer putUnsigned​(int index,
                                    short value)
        Writes an unsigned byte into the ByteBuffer at a specified position
        Specified by:
        putUnsigned in class IoBuffer
        index - the position in the buffer to write the value
        value - the short to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsigned

        public IoBuffer putUnsigned​(int value)
        Writes an unsigned byte into the ByteBuffer
        Specified by:
        putUnsigned in class IoBuffer
        value - the int to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsigned

        public IoBuffer putUnsigned​(int index,
                                    int value)
        Writes an unsigned byte into the ByteBuffer at a specified position
        Specified by:
        putUnsigned in class IoBuffer
        index - the position in the buffer to write the value
        value - the int to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsigned

        public IoBuffer putUnsigned​(long value)
        Writes an unsigned byte into the ByteBuffer
        Specified by:
        putUnsigned in class IoBuffer
        value - the long to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsigned

        public IoBuffer putUnsigned​(int index,
                                    long value)
        Writes an unsigned byte into the ByteBuffer at a specified position
        Specified by:
        putUnsigned in class IoBuffer
        index - the position in the buffer to write the value
        value - the long to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • get

        public final byte get​(int index)
        Specified by:
        get in class IoBuffer
        index - The position for which we want to read a byte
        the byte at the given position
        See Also:
      • getUnsigned

        public final short getUnsigned​(int index)
        Reads one byte as an unsigned short integer.
        Specified by:
        getUnsigned in class IoBuffer
        index - The position for which we want to read an unsigned byte
        the unsigned byte at the given position
      • put

        public final IoBuffer put​(int index,
                                  byte b)
        Specified by:
        put in class IoBuffer
        index - The position where the byte will be put
        b - The byte to put
        the modified IoBuffer
        See Also:
        ByteBuffer.put(int, byte)
      • get

        public final IoBuffer get​(byte[] dst,
                                  int offset,
                                  int length)
        Specified by:
        get in class IoBuffer
        dst - The destination buffer
        offset - The position in the original buffer
        length - The number of bytes to copy
        the modified IoBuffer
        See Also:
        ByteBuffer.get(byte[], int, int)
      • put

        public final IoBuffer put​(ByteBuffer src)
        Writes the content of the specified src into this buffer.
        Specified by:
        put in class IoBuffer
        src - The source ByteBuffer
        the modified IoBuffer
      • put

        public final IoBuffer put​(byte[] src,
                                  int offset,
                                  int length)
        Specified by:
        put in class IoBuffer
        src - The byte[] to put
        offset - The position in the source
        length - The number of bytes to copy
        the modified IoBuffer
        See Also:
        ByteBuffer.put(byte[], int, int)
      • getChar

        public final char getChar​(int index)
        Specified by:
        getChar in class IoBuffer
        index - The index in the IoBuffer where we will read a char from
        the char at 'index' position
        See Also:
      • putChar

        public final IoBuffer putChar​(int index,
                                      char value)
        Specified by:
        putChar in class IoBuffer
        index - The index in the IoBuffer where we will put a char in
        value - The char to put at the current position
        the modified IoBuffer
        See Also:
        ByteBuffer.putChar(int, char)
      • getShort

        public final short getShort​(int index)
        Specified by:
        getShort in class IoBuffer
        index - The index in the IoBuffer where we will read a short from
        The read short
        See Also:
      • putShort

        public final IoBuffer putShort​(int index,
                                       short value)
        Specified by:
        putShort in class IoBuffer
        index - The position at which the short should be written
        value - The short to put at the current position
        the modified IoBuffer
        See Also:
        ByteBuffer.putShort(int, short)
      • putUnsignedInt

        public final IoBuffer putUnsignedInt​(byte value)
        Writes an unsigned int into the ByteBuffer
        Specified by:
        putUnsignedInt in class IoBuffer
        value - the byte to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsignedInt

        public final IoBuffer putUnsignedInt​(int index,
                                             byte value)
        Writes an unsigned int into the ByteBuffer at a specified position
        Specified by:
        putUnsignedInt in class IoBuffer
        index - the position in the buffer to write the value
        value - the byte to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsignedInt

        public final IoBuffer putUnsignedInt​(short value)
        Writes an unsigned int into the ByteBuffer
        Specified by:
        putUnsignedInt in class IoBuffer
        value - the short to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsignedInt

        public final IoBuffer putUnsignedInt​(int index,
                                             short value)
        Writes an unsigned int into the ByteBuffer at a specified position
        Specified by:
        putUnsignedInt in class IoBuffer
        index - the position in the buffer to write the value
        value - the short to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsignedInt

        public final IoBuffer putUnsignedInt​(int value)
        Writes an unsigned int into the ByteBuffer
        Specified by:
        putUnsignedInt in class IoBuffer
        value - the int to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsignedInt

        public final IoBuffer putUnsignedInt​(int index,
                                             int value)
        Writes an unsigned int into the ByteBuffer at a specified position
        Specified by:
        putUnsignedInt in class IoBuffer
        index - the position in the buffer to write the value
        value - the int to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsignedInt

        public final IoBuffer putUnsignedInt​(long value)
        Writes an unsigned int into the ByteBuffer
        Specified by:
        putUnsignedInt in class IoBuffer
        value - the long to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsignedInt

        public final IoBuffer putUnsignedInt​(int index,
                                             long value)
        Writes an unsigned int into the ByteBuffer at a specified position
        Specified by:
        putUnsignedInt in class IoBuffer
        index - the position in the buffer to write the value
        value - the long to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsignedShort

        public final IoBuffer putUnsignedShort​(byte value)
        Writes an unsigned short into the ByteBuffer
        Specified by:
        putUnsignedShort in class IoBuffer
        value - the byte to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsignedShort

        public final IoBuffer putUnsignedShort​(int index,
                                               byte value)
        Writes an unsigned Short into the ByteBuffer at a specified position
        Specified by:
        putUnsignedShort in class IoBuffer
        index - the position in the buffer to write the value
        value - the byte to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsignedShort

        public final IoBuffer putUnsignedShort​(short value)
        Writes an unsigned Short into the ByteBuffer
        Specified by:
        putUnsignedShort in class IoBuffer
        value - the short to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsignedShort

        public final IoBuffer putUnsignedShort​(int index,
                                               short value)
        Writes an unsigned Short into the ByteBuffer at a specified position
        Specified by:
        putUnsignedShort in class IoBuffer
        index - the position in the buffer to write the unsigned short
        value - the unsigned short to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsignedShort

        public final IoBuffer putUnsignedShort​(int value)
        Writes an unsigned Short into the ByteBuffer
        Specified by:
        putUnsignedShort in class IoBuffer
        value - the int to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsignedShort

        public final IoBuffer putUnsignedShort​(int index,
                                               int value)
        Writes an unsigned Short into the ByteBuffer at a specified position
        Specified by:
        putUnsignedShort in class IoBuffer
        index - the position in the buffer to write the value
        value - the int to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsignedShort

        public final IoBuffer putUnsignedShort​(long value)
        Writes an unsigned Short into the ByteBuffer
        Specified by:
        putUnsignedShort in class IoBuffer
        value - the long to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putUnsignedShort

        public final IoBuffer putUnsignedShort​(int index,
                                               long value)
        Writes an unsigned Short into the ByteBuffer at a specified position
        Specified by:
        putUnsignedShort in class IoBuffer
        index - the position in the buffer to write the short
        value - the long to write
        the modified IoBuffer
      • getInt

        public final int getInt​(int index)
        Specified by:
        getInt in class IoBuffer
        index - The index in the IoBuffer where we will read an int from
        the int at the given position
        See Also:
      • putInt

        public final IoBuffer putInt​(int index,
                                     int value)
        Specified by:
        putInt in class IoBuffer
        index - The position where to put the int
        value - The int to put in the IoBuffer
        the modified IoBuffer
        See Also:
        ByteBuffer.putInt(int, int)
      • getLong

        public final long getLong​(int index)
        Specified by:
        getLong in class IoBuffer
        index - The index in the IoBuffer where we will read a long from
        the long at the given position
        See Also:
      • putLong

        public final IoBuffer putLong​(int index,
                                      long value)
        Specified by:
        putLong in class IoBuffer
        index - The position where to put the long
        value - The long to put in the IoBuffer
        the modified IoBuffer
        See Also:
        ByteBuffer.putLong(int, long)
      • getFloat

        public final float getFloat​(int index)
        Specified by:
        getFloat in class IoBuffer
        index - The index in the IoBuffer where we will read a float from
        The float at the given position
        See Also:
      • putFloat

        public final IoBuffer putFloat​(int index,
                                       float value)
        Specified by:
        putFloat in class IoBuffer
        index - The position where to put the float
        value - The float to put in the IoBuffer
        the modified IoBuffer
        See Also:
        ByteBuffer.putFloat(int, float)
      • getDouble

        public final double getDouble​(int index)
        Specified by:
        getDouble in class IoBuffer
        index - The position where to get the double from
        The double at the given position
        See Also:
      • putDouble

        public final IoBuffer putDouble​(int index,
                                        double value)
        Specified by:
        putDouble in class IoBuffer
        index - The position where to put the double
        value - The double to put in the IoBuffer
        the modified IoBuffer
        See Also:
        ByteBuffer.putDouble(int, double)
      • asReadOnlyBuffer0

        protected abstract IoBuffer asReadOnlyBuffer0()
        Implement this method to return the unexpandable read only version of this buffer.
        the IoBoffer instance
      • duplicate0

        protected abstract IoBuffer duplicate0()
        Implement this method to return the unexpandable duplicate of this buffer.
        the IoBoffer instance
      • getSlice

        public final IoBuffer getSlice​(int index,
                                       int length)
        Get a new IoBuffer containing a slice of the current buffer
        Specified by:
        getSlice in class IoBuffer
        index - The position in the buffer
        length - The number of bytes to copy
        the new IoBuffer
      • getSlice

        public final IoBuffer getSlice​(int length)
        Get a new IoBuffer containing a slice of the current buffer
        Specified by:
        getSlice in class IoBuffer
        length - The number of bytes to copy
        the new IoBuffer
      • slice0

        protected abstract IoBuffer slice0()
        Implement this method to return the unexpandable slice of this buffer.
        the IoBoffer instance
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(IoBuffer that)
      • put

        public IoBuffer put​(IoBuffer src)
        Writes the content of the specified src into this buffer.
        Specified by:
        put in class IoBuffer
        src - The source IoBuffer
        the modified IoBuffer
      • getUnsignedShort

        public int getUnsignedShort()
        Reads two bytes unsigned integer.
        Specified by:
        getUnsignedShort in class IoBuffer
        The read unsigned short
      • getUnsignedShort

        public int getUnsignedShort​(int index)
        Reads two bytes unsigned integer.
        Specified by:
        getUnsignedShort in class IoBuffer
        index - The index in the IoBuffer where we will read an unsigned short from
        the unsigned short at the given position
      • getUnsignedInt

        public long getUnsignedInt()
        Reads four bytes unsigned integer.
        Specified by:
        getUnsignedInt in class IoBuffer
        The unsigned int read
      • getMediumInt

        public int getMediumInt()
        Relative get method for reading a medium int value.

        Reads the next three bytes at this buffer's current position, composing them into an int value according to the current byte order, and then increments the position by three.

        Specified by:
        getMediumInt in class IoBuffer
        The medium int value at the buffer's current position
      • getUnsignedMediumInt

        public int getUnsignedMediumInt()
        Relative get method for reading an unsigned medium int value.

        Reads the next three bytes at this buffer's current position, composing them into an int value according to the current byte order, and then increments the position by three.

        Specified by:
        getUnsignedMediumInt in class IoBuffer
        The unsigned medium int value at the buffer's current position
      • getMediumInt

        public int getMediumInt​(int index)
        Absolute get method for reading a medium int value.

        Reads the next three bytes at this buffer's current position, composing them into an int value according to the current byte order.

        Specified by:
        getMediumInt in class IoBuffer
        index - The index from which the medium int will be read
        The medium int value at the given index
      • getUnsignedMediumInt

        public int getUnsignedMediumInt​(int index)
        Absolute get method for reading an unsigned medium int value.

        Reads the next three bytes at this buffer's current position, composing them into an int value according to the current byte order.

        Specified by:
        getUnsignedMediumInt in class IoBuffer
        index - The index from which the unsigned medium int will be read
        The unsigned medium int value at the given index
      • putMediumInt

        public IoBuffer putMediumInt​(int value)
        Relative put method for writing a medium int value.

        Writes three bytes containing the given int value, in the current byte order, into this buffer at the current position, and then increments the position by three.

        Specified by:
        putMediumInt in class IoBuffer
        value - The medium int value to be written
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putMediumInt

        public IoBuffer putMediumInt​(int index,
                                     int value)
        Absolute put method for writing a medium int value.

        Writes three bytes containing the given int value, in the current byte order, into this buffer at the given index.

        Specified by:
        putMediumInt in class IoBuffer
        index - The index at which the bytes will be written
        value - The medium int value to be written
        the modified IoBuffer
      • getUnsignedInt

        public long getUnsignedInt​(int index)
        Reads four bytes unsigned integer.
        Specified by:
        getUnsignedInt in class IoBuffer
        index - The index in the IoBuffer where we will read an unsigned int from
        The long at the given position
      • putString

        public IoBuffer putString​(CharSequence val,
                                  CharsetEncoder encoder)
                           throws CharacterCodingException
        Writes the content of in into this buffer using the specified encoder. This method doesn't terminate string with NUL. You have to do it by yourself.
        Specified by:
        putString in class IoBuffer
        val - The CharSequence to put in the IoBuffer
        encoder - The CharsetEncoder to use
        The modified IoBuffer
        CharacterCodingException - When we have an error while decoding the String
      • putString

        public IoBuffer putString​(CharSequence val,
                                  int fieldSize,
                                  CharsetEncoder encoder)
                           throws CharacterCodingException
        Writes the content of in into this buffer as a NUL-terminated string using the specified encoder.

        If the charset name of the encoder is UTF-16, you cannot specify odd fieldSize, and this method will append two NULs as a terminator.

        Please note that this method doesn't terminate with NUL if the input string is longer than fieldSize.

        Specified by:
        putString in class IoBuffer
        val - The CharSequence to put in the IoBuffer
        fieldSize - the maximum number of bytes to write
        encoder - The CharsetEncoder to use
        The modified IoBuffer
        CharacterCodingException - When we have an error while decoding the String
      • getPrefixedString

        public String getPrefixedString​(CharsetDecoder decoder)
                                 throws CharacterCodingException
        Reads a string which has a 16-bit length field before the actual encoded string, using the specified decoder and returns it. This method is a shortcut for getPrefixedString(2, decoder).
        Specified by:
        getPrefixedString in class IoBuffer
        decoder - The CharsetDecoder to use
        The read String
        CharacterCodingException - When we have an error while decoding the String
      • putPrefixedString

        public IoBuffer putPrefixedString​(CharSequence in,
                                          CharsetEncoder encoder)
                                   throws CharacterCodingException
        Writes the content of in into this buffer as a string which has a 16-bit length field before the actual encoded string, using the specified encoder. This method is a shortcut for putPrefixedString(in, 2, 0, encoder).
        Specified by:
        putPrefixedString in class IoBuffer
        in - The CharSequence to put in the IoBuffer
        encoder - The CharsetEncoder to use
        The modified IoBuffer
        CharacterCodingException - When we have an error while decoding the CharSequence
      • putPrefixedString

        public IoBuffer putPrefixedString​(CharSequence in,
                                          int prefixLength,
                                          CharsetEncoder encoder)
                                   throws CharacterCodingException
        Writes the content of in into this buffer as a string which has a 16-bit length field before the actual encoded string, using the specified encoder. This method is a shortcut for putPrefixedString(in, prefixLength, 0, encoder).
        Specified by:
        putPrefixedString in class IoBuffer
        in - The CharSequence to put in the IoBuffer
        prefixLength - the length of the length field (1, 2, or 4)
        encoder - The CharsetEncoder to use
        The modified IoBuffer
        CharacterCodingException - When we have an error while decoding the CharSequence
      • putPrefixedString

        public IoBuffer putPrefixedString​(CharSequence in,
                                          int prefixLength,
                                          int padding,
                                          CharsetEncoder encoder)
                                   throws CharacterCodingException
        Writes the content of in into this buffer as a string which has a 16-bit length field before the actual encoded string, using the specified encoder. This method is a shortcut for putPrefixedString(in, prefixLength, padding, ( byte ) 0, encoder)
        Specified by:
        putPrefixedString in class IoBuffer
        in - The CharSequence to put in the IoBuffer
        prefixLength - the length of the length field (1, 2, or 4)
        padding - the number of padded NULs (1 (or 0), 2, or 4)
        encoder - The CharsetEncoder to use
        The modified IoBuffer
        CharacterCodingException - When we have an error while decoding the CharSequence
      • putPrefixedString

        public IoBuffer putPrefixedString​(CharSequence val,
                                          int prefixLength,
                                          int padding,
                                          byte padValue,
                                          CharsetEncoder encoder)
                                   throws CharacterCodingException
        Writes the content of val into this buffer as a string which has a 16-bit length field before the actual encoded string, using the specified encoder.
        Specified by:
        putPrefixedString in class IoBuffer
        val - The CharSequence to put in teh IoBuffer
        prefixLength - the length of the length field (1, 2, or 4)
        padding - the number of padded bytes (1 (or 0), 2, or 4)
        padValue - the value of padded bytes
        encoder - The CharsetEncoder to use
        The modified IoBuffer
        CharacterCodingException - When we have an error while decoding the CharSequence
      • getObject

        public Object getObject​(ClassLoader classLoader)
                         throws ClassNotFoundException
        Reads a Java object from the buffer using the specified classLoader.
        Specified by:
        getObject in class IoBuffer
        classLoader - The classLoader to use to read an Object from the IoBuffer
        The read Object
        ClassNotFoundException - thrown when we can't find the Class to use
      • putObject

        public IoBuffer putObject​(Object o)
        Writes the specified Java object to the buffer.
        Specified by:
        putObject in class IoBuffer
        o - The Object to write in the IoBuffer
        The modified IoBuffer
      • prefixedDataAvailable

        public boolean prefixedDataAvailable​(int prefixLength)
        Specified by:
        prefixedDataAvailable in class IoBuffer
        prefixLength - the length of the prefix field (1, 2, or 4)
        true if this buffer contains a data which has a data length as a prefix and the buffer has remaining data as enough as specified in the data length field. This method is identical with prefixedDataAvailable( prefixLength, Integer.MAX_VALUE ). Please not that using this method can allow DoS (Denial of Service) attack in case the remote peer sends too big data length value. It is recommended to use IoBuffer.prefixedDataAvailable(int, int) instead.
      • prefixedDataAvailable

        public boolean prefixedDataAvailable​(int prefixLength,
                                             int maxDataLength)
        Specified by:
        prefixedDataAvailable in class IoBuffer
        prefixLength - the length of the prefix field (1, 2, or 4)
        maxDataLength - the allowed maximum of the read data length
        true if this buffer contains a data which has a data length as a prefix and the buffer has remaining data as enough as specified in the data length field.
      • indexOf

        public int indexOf​(byte b)
        Returns the first occurrence position of the specified byte from the current position to the current limit.
        Specified by:
        indexOf in class IoBuffer
        b - The byte we are looking for
        -1 if the specified byte is not found
      • skip

        public IoBuffer skip​(int size)
        Forwards the position of this buffer as the specified size bytes.
        Specified by:
        skip in class IoBuffer
        size - The added size
        The modified IoBuffer
      • fill

        public IoBuffer fill​(byte value,
                             int size)
        Fills this buffer with the specified value. This method moves buffer position forward.
        Specified by:
        fill in class IoBuffer
        value - The value to fill the IoBuffer with
        size - The added size
        The modified IoBuffer
      • fillAndReset

        public IoBuffer fillAndReset​(byte value,
                                     int size)
        Fills this buffer with the specified value. This method does not change buffer position.
        Specified by:
        fillAndReset in class IoBuffer
        value - The value to fill the IoBuffer with
        size - The added size
        The modified IoBuffer
      • fill

        public IoBuffer fill​(int size)
        Fills this buffer with NUL (0x00). This method moves buffer position forward.
        Specified by:
        fill in class IoBuffer
        size - The added size
        The modified IoBuffer
      • fillAndReset

        public IoBuffer fillAndReset​(int size)
        Fills this buffer with NUL (0x00). This method does not change buffer position.
        Specified by:
        fillAndReset in class IoBuffer
        size - The added size
        The modified IoBuffer
      • getEnum

        public <E extends Enum<E>> E getEnum​(Class<E> enumClass)
        Reads a byte from the buffer and returns the correlating enum constant defined by the specified enum type.
        Specified by:
        getEnum in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - The enum type to return
        enumClass - The enum's class object
        The correlated enum constant
      • getEnum

        public <E extends Enum<E>> E getEnum​(int index,
                                             Class<E> enumClass)
        Reads a byte from the buffer and returns the correlating enum constant defined by the specified enum type.
        Specified by:
        getEnum in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - The enum type to return
        index - the index from which the byte will be read
        enumClass - The enum's class object
        The correlated enum constant
      • getEnumShort

        public <E extends Enum<E>> E getEnumShort​(Class<E> enumClass)
        Reads a short from the buffer and returns the correlating enum constant defined by the specified enum type.
        Specified by:
        getEnumShort in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - The enum type to return
        enumClass - The enum's class object
        The correlated enum constant
      • getEnumShort

        public <E extends Enum<E>> E getEnumShort​(int index,
                                                  Class<E> enumClass)
        Reads a short from the buffer and returns the correlating enum constant defined by the specified enum type.
        Specified by:
        getEnumShort in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - The enum type to return
        index - the index from which the bytes will be read
        enumClass - The enum's class object
        The correlated enum constant
      • getEnumInt

        public <E extends Enum<E>> E getEnumInt​(Class<E> enumClass)
        Reads an int from the buffer and returns the correlating enum constant defined by the specified enum type.
        Specified by:
        getEnumInt in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - The enum type to return
        enumClass - The enum's class object
        The correlated enum constant
      • getEnumInt

        public <E extends Enum<E>> E getEnumInt​(int index,
                                                Class<E> enumClass)
        Reads an int from the buffer and returns the correlating enum constant defined by the specified enum type.
        Specified by:
        getEnumInt in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - The enum type to return
        index - the index from which the bytes will be read
        enumClass - The enum's class object
        The correlated enum constant
      • putEnum

        public IoBuffer putEnum​(Enum<?> e)
        Writes an enum's ordinal value to the buffer as a byte.
        Specified by:
        putEnum in class IoBuffer
        e - The enum to write to the buffer
        The modified IoBuffer
      • putEnum

        public IoBuffer putEnum​(int index,
                                Enum<?> e)
        Writes an enum's ordinal value to the buffer as a byte.
        Specified by:
        putEnum in class IoBuffer
        index - The index at which the byte will be written
        e - The enum to write to the buffer
        The modified IoBuffer
      • putEnumShort

        public IoBuffer putEnumShort​(Enum<?> e)
        Writes an enum's ordinal value to the buffer as a short.
        Specified by:
        putEnumShort in class IoBuffer
        e - The enum to write to the buffer
        The modified IoBuffer
      • putEnumShort

        public IoBuffer putEnumShort​(int index,
                                     Enum<?> e)
        Writes an enum's ordinal value to the buffer as a short.
        Specified by:
        putEnumShort in class IoBuffer
        index - The index at which the bytes will be written
        e - The enum to write to the buffer
        The modified IoBuffer
      • putEnumInt

        public IoBuffer putEnumInt​(Enum<?> e)
        Writes an enum's ordinal value to the buffer as an integer.
        Specified by:
        putEnumInt in class IoBuffer
        e - The enum to write to the buffer
        The modified IoBuffer
      • putEnumInt

        public IoBuffer putEnumInt​(int index,
                                   Enum<?> e)
        Writes an enum's ordinal value to the buffer as an integer.
        Specified by:
        putEnumInt in class IoBuffer
        index - The index at which the bytes will be written
        e - The enum to write to the buffer
        The modified IoBuffer
      • getEnumSet

        public <E extends Enum<E>> Set<E> getEnumSet​(Class<E> enumClass)
        Reads a byte sized bit vector and converts it to an EnumSet.

        Each bit is mapped to a value in the specified enum. The least significant bit maps to the first entry in the specified enum and each subsequent bit maps to each subsequent bit as mapped to the subsequent enum value.

        Specified by:
        getEnumSet in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - the enum type
        enumClass - the enum class used to create the EnumSet
        the EnumSet representation of the bit vector
      • getEnumSet

        public <E extends Enum<E>> Set<E> getEnumSet​(int index,
                                                     Class<E> enumClass)
        Reads a byte sized bit vector and converts it to an EnumSet.
        Specified by:
        getEnumSet in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - the enum type
        index - the index from which the byte will be read
        enumClass - the enum class used to create the EnumSet
        the EnumSet representation of the bit vector
        See Also:
      • getEnumSetShort

        public <E extends Enum<E>> Set<E> getEnumSetShort​(Class<E> enumClass)
        Reads a short sized bit vector and converts it to an EnumSet.
        Specified by:
        getEnumSetShort in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - the enum type
        enumClass - the enum class used to create the EnumSet
        the EnumSet representation of the bit vector
        See Also:
      • getEnumSetShort

        public <E extends Enum<E>> Set<E> getEnumSetShort​(int index,
                                                          Class<E> enumClass)
        Reads a short sized bit vector and converts it to an EnumSet.
        Specified by:
        getEnumSetShort in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - the enum type
        index - the index from which the bytes will be read
        enumClass - the enum class used to create the EnumSet
        the EnumSet representation of the bit vector
        See Also:
      • getEnumSetInt

        public <E extends Enum<E>> Set<E> getEnumSetInt​(Class<E> enumClass)
        Reads an int sized bit vector and converts it to an EnumSet.
        Specified by:
        getEnumSetInt in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - the enum type
        enumClass - the enum class used to create the EnumSet
        the EnumSet representation of the bit vector
        See Also:
      • getEnumSetInt

        public <E extends Enum<E>> Set<E> getEnumSetInt​(int index,
                                                        Class<E> enumClass)
        Reads an int sized bit vector and converts it to an EnumSet.
        Specified by:
        getEnumSetInt in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - the enum type
        index - the index from which the bytes will be read
        enumClass - the enum class used to create the EnumSet
        the EnumSet representation of the bit vector
        See Also:
      • getEnumSetLong

        public <E extends Enum<E>> Set<E> getEnumSetLong​(Class<E> enumClass)
        Reads a long sized bit vector and converts it to an EnumSet.
        Specified by:
        getEnumSetLong in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - the enum type
        enumClass - the enum class used to create the EnumSet
        the EnumSet representation of the bit vector
        See Also:
      • getEnumSetLong

        public <E extends Enum<E>> Set<E> getEnumSetLong​(int index,
                                                         Class<E> enumClass)
        Reads a long sized bit vector and converts it to an EnumSet.
        Specified by:
        getEnumSetLong in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - the enum type
        index - the index from which the bytes will be read
        enumClass - the enum class used to create the EnumSet
        the EnumSet representation of the bit vector
        See Also:
      • putEnumSet

        public <E extends Enum<E>> IoBuffer putEnumSet​(Set<E> set)
        Writes the specified Set to the buffer as a byte sized bit vector.
        Specified by:
        putEnumSet in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - the enum type of the Set
        set - the enum set to write to the buffer
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putEnumSet

        public <E extends Enum<E>> IoBuffer putEnumSet​(int index,
                                                       Set<E> set)
        Writes the specified Set to the buffer as a byte sized bit vector.
        Specified by:
        putEnumSet in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - the enum type of the Set
        index - the index at which the byte will be written
        set - the enum set to write to the buffer
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putEnumSetShort

        public <E extends Enum<E>> IoBuffer putEnumSetShort​(Set<E> set)
        Writes the specified Set to the buffer as a short sized bit vector.
        Specified by:
        putEnumSetShort in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - the enum type of the Set
        set - the enum set to write to the buffer
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putEnumSetShort

        public <E extends Enum<E>> IoBuffer putEnumSetShort​(int index,
                                                            Set<E> set)
        Writes the specified Set to the buffer as a short sized bit vector.
        Specified by:
        putEnumSetShort in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - the enum type of the Set
        index - the index at which the bytes will be written
        set - the enum set to write to the buffer
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putEnumSetInt

        public <E extends Enum<E>> IoBuffer putEnumSetInt​(Set<E> set)
        Writes the specified Set to the buffer as an int sized bit vector.
        Specified by:
        putEnumSetInt in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - the enum type of the Set
        set - the enum set to write to the buffer
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putEnumSetInt

        public <E extends Enum<E>> IoBuffer putEnumSetInt​(int index,
                                                          Set<E> set)
        Writes the specified Set to the buffer as an int sized bit vector.
        Specified by:
        putEnumSetInt in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - the enum type of the Set
        index - the index at which the bytes will be written
        set - the enum set to write to the buffer
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putEnumSetLong

        public <E extends Enum<E>> IoBuffer putEnumSetLong​(Set<E> set)
        Writes the specified Set to the buffer as a long sized bit vector.
        Specified by:
        putEnumSetLong in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - the enum type of the Set
        set - the enum set to write to the buffer
        the modified IoBuffer
      • putEnumSetLong

        public <E extends Enum<E>> IoBuffer putEnumSetLong​(int index,
                                                           Set<E> set)
        Writes the specified Set to the buffer as a long sized bit vector.
        Specified by:
        putEnumSetLong in class IoBuffer
        Type Parameters:
        E - the enum type of the Set
        index - the index at which the bytes will be written
        set - the enum set to write to the buffer
        the modified IoBuffer