Class SimpleIoProcessorPool<S extends AbstractIoSession>

  • Type Parameters:
    S - the type of the IoSession to be managed by the specified IoProcessor.
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SimpleIoProcessorPool<S extends AbstractIoSession>
    extends Object
    implements IoProcessor<S>
    An IoProcessor pool that distributes IoSessions into one or more IoProcessors. Most current transport implementations use this pool internally to perform better in a multi-core environment, and therefore, you won't need to use this pool directly unless you are running multiple IoServices in the same JVM.

    If you are running multiple IoServices, you could want to share the pool among all services. To do so, you can create a new SimpleIoProcessorPool instance by yourself and provide the pool as a constructor parameter when you create the services.

    This pool uses Java reflection API to create multiple IoProcessor instances. It tries to instantiate the processor in the following order:

    1. A public constructor with one ExecutorService parameter.
    2. A public constructor with one Executor parameter.
    3. A public default constructor
    The following is an example for the NIO socket transport:
     // Create a shared pool.
     SimpleIoProcessorPool<NioSession> pool = 
             new SimpleIoProcessorPool<NioSession>(NioProcessor.class, 16);
     // Create two services that share the same pool.
     SocketAcceptor acceptor = new NioSocketAcceptor(pool);
     SocketConnector connector = new NioSocketConnector(pool);
     // Release related resources.
    Apache MINA Project
    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleIoProcessorPool

        public SimpleIoProcessorPool​(Class<? extends IoProcessor<S>> processorType)
        Creates a new instance of SimpleIoProcessorPool with a default size of NbCPUs +1.
        processorType - The type of IoProcessor to use
      • SimpleIoProcessorPool

        public SimpleIoProcessorPool​(Class<? extends IoProcessor<S>> processorType,
                                     int size)
        Creates a new instance of SimpleIoProcessorPool with a defined number of IoProcessors in the pool
        processorType - The type of IoProcessor to use
        size - The number of IoProcessor in the pool
      • SimpleIoProcessorPool

        public SimpleIoProcessorPool​(Class<? extends IoProcessor<S>> processorType,
                                     int size,
                                     SelectorProvider selectorProvider)
        Creates a new instance of SimpleIoProcessorPool with a defined number of IoProcessors in the pool
        processorType - The type of IoProcessor to use
        size - The number of IoProcessor in the pool
        selectorProvider - The SelectorProvider to use
      • SimpleIoProcessorPool

        public SimpleIoProcessorPool​(Class<? extends IoProcessor<S>> processorType,
                                     Executor executor)
        Creates a new instance of SimpleIoProcessorPool with an executor
        processorType - The type of IoProcessor to use
        executor - The Executor
      • SimpleIoProcessorPool

        public SimpleIoProcessorPool​(Class<? extends IoProcessor<S>> processorType,
                                     Executor executor,
                                     int size,
                                     SelectorProvider selectorProvider)
        Creates a new instance of SimpleIoProcessorPool with an executor
        processorType - The type of IoProcessor to use
        executor - The Executor
        size - The number of IoProcessor in the pool
        selectorProvider - The SelectorProvider to used
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public final void add​(S session)
        Adds the specified session to the I/O processor so that the I/O processor starts to perform any I/O operations related with the session.
        Specified by:
        add in interface IoProcessor<S extends AbstractIoSession>
        session - The added session
      • flush

        public final void flush​(S session)
        Flushes the internal write request queue of the specified session.
        Specified by:
        flush in interface IoProcessor<S extends AbstractIoSession>
        session - The session we want the message to be written
      • write

        public final void write​(S session,
                                WriteRequest writeRequest)
        Writes the WriteRequest for the specified session.
        Specified by:
        write in interface IoProcessor<S extends AbstractIoSession>
        session - The session we want the message to be written
        writeRequest - the WriteRequest to write
      • remove

        public final void remove​(S session)
        Removes and closes the specified session from the I/O processor so that the I/O processor closes the connection associated with the session and releases any other related resources.
        Specified by:
        remove in interface IoProcessor<S extends AbstractIoSession>
        session - The session to be removed
      • isDisposed

        public boolean isDisposed()
        Specified by:
        isDisposed in interface IoProcessor<S extends AbstractIoSession>
        true if and if only all resources of this processor have been disposed.
      • dispose

        public final void dispose()
        Releases any resources allocated by this processor. Please note that the resources might not be released as long as there are any sessions managed by this processor. Most implementations will close all sessions immediately and release the related resources.
        Specified by:
        dispose in interface IoProcessor<S extends AbstractIoSession>