Class AbstractAuthLogicHandler

    • Field Detail

      • request

        protected ProxyRequest request
        The request to be handled by the proxy.
      • proxyIoSession

        protected ProxyIoSession proxyIoSession
        Object that contains all the proxy authentication session informations.
      • step

        protected int step
        The current handshake step.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractAuthLogicHandler

        protected AbstractAuthLogicHandler​(ProxyIoSession proxyIoSession)
                                    throws ProxyAuthException
        Instantiates a handler for the given proxy session.
        proxyIoSession - the proxy session object
        ProxyAuthException - If we get an error during the proxy authentication
    • Method Detail

      • doHandshake

        public abstract void doHandshake​(IoFilter.NextFilter nextFilter)
                                  throws ProxyAuthException
        Method called at each step of the handshaking process.
        nextFilter - the next filter
        ProxyAuthException - If we get an error during the proxy authentication
      • handleResponse

        public abstract void handleResponse​(HttpProxyResponse response)
                                     throws ProxyAuthException
        Handles a HTTP response from the proxy server.
        response - The HTTP response.
        ProxyAuthException - If we get an error during the proxy authentication
      • addKeepAliveHeaders

        public static void addKeepAliveHeaders​(Map<String,​List<String>> headers)
        Try to force proxy connection to be kept alive.
        headers - the request headers