Apache OpenDAL™ Beijing Meetup 1st
Hello, everyone!
On behalf of the OpenDAL community, I'm pleased to announce that the first Apache OpenDAL™ Beijing Meetup will be held on September 14th.
Hello, everyone!
On behalf of the OpenDAL community, I'm pleased to announce that the first Apache OpenDAL™ Beijing Meetup will be held on September 14th.
Hello, everyone!
We're writing this blog post to announce that the Apache OpenDAL™ Project will be participating in Open Source Promotion Plan (OSPP) 2024. If you're not eligible or interested in participating in OSPP, then most of this post likely isn't relevant to you; if you are, this should contain some useful information and links.
Hello, everyone!
We're writing this blog post to announce that the Apache OpenDAL™ Project will be participating in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2024. If you're not eligible or interested in participating in GSoC, then most of this post likely isn't relevant to you; if you are, this should contain some useful information and links.
Hello, everyone! I'm happy to announce that Apache OpenDAL™ has graduated from the Apache Incubator to become a Top-Level Project of the Apache Software Foundation.
OwO (Outcome, Working, Outlook) is an Apache OpenDAL™ release blog series, where we share the current work status and future plans.
Hello! It's been a while since our last update. We've been hard at work determining the optimal way to implement new features and improvements. We're thrilled to announce that we'll soon be releasing v0.40.
As the Apache OpenDAL™ community continues to grow, new abstractions are constantly being added, which has brought some burdens to new contributors participating in development. Many maintainers hope to have a deeper understanding of OpenDAL's internal implementation. At the same time, OpenDAL's core design has not changed significantly for a long time, making it possible to write a series on internal implementation. I believe now is the time to write a series of articles on OpenDAL's internal implementation, to explain from the maintainer's perspective how OpenDAL is designed, implemented, and how it can be expanded. With the impending release of OpenDAL v0.40, I hope this series of articles will better help the community understand the past, master the present, and shape the future.
The first article will discuss OpenDAL's most commonly used data reading function. I will start from the outermost interface and then gradually unfold according to the calling sequence of OpenDAL. Let's get started!
If you're committed to building cloud-native, cross-cloud-first applications and services, or you want to support configurable storage backends to meet complex data access needs, or if you're tired of juggling various SDKs and hoping for a unified abstraction and development experience, Apache OpenDAL™ will be your perfect partner.
On February 27th, 2023, the OpenDAL project achieved a milestone by winning the approval to join the incubator of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the world's leading open source software organization. On March 15th, the OpenDAL project was officially transferred to the Apache Software Foundation.