All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, IClusterable

public final class AutoCompleteSettings extends Object implements IClusterable
This class encapsulates various settings for AbstractAutoCompleteBehavior. See the documentation for the property accessors of this class for further information.

Default settings:

Default settings
setting default value
preselect false
maxHeightInPx -1
showListOnEmptyInput false

Gerolf Seitz
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getPreselect

      public boolean getPreselect()
      Indicates whether the first item in the list is automatically selected when the autocomplete list is shown.
      true if the first item of the autocomplete list should be preselected, false (default) otherwise
    • setPreselect

      public AutoCompleteSettings setPreselect(boolean preselect)
      Sets whether the first item in the autocomplete list should be selected when the autocomplete list is shown.
      preselect - the flag
      this AutoCompleteSettings
    • setThrottleDelay

      public AutoCompleteSettings setThrottleDelay(int throttleDelay)
      set the throttle delay how long the browser will wait before sending a request to the browser after the user released a key.
      throttleDelay - The delay in milliseconds.
      this AutoCompleteSettings
    • getThrottleDelay

      public int getThrottleDelay()
      get the throttle delay how long the browser will wait before sending a request to the browser after the user released a key.
      the throttle delay in milliseconds (default 300)
    • getMaxHeightInPx

      public int getMaxHeightInPx()
      Gets the maximum height of the autocomplete list in pixels. -1 indicates that the autocomplete list should have no maximum height.
      the maximum height in pixels
    • setMaxHeightInPx

      public AutoCompleteSettings setMaxHeightInPx(int maxHeightInPx)
      Sets the maximum height in pixels of the autocomplete list.

      The maximum height can also be specified via css (and by setting maxHeightInPx to -1):

       div.wicket-aa-container { maxHeight: 100px; }
      Note that this does not work in IE6.

      maxHeightInPx - the maximum height in pixels
      this AutoCompleteSettings
    • getIgnoreBordersWhenPositioning

      Indicates whether the popup positioning will take into account the borders of the input element and its ancestors.
      true if borders are ignored, false otherwise.
    • setIgnoreBordersWhenPositioning

      public AutoCompleteSettings setIgnoreBordersWhenPositioning(boolean ignoreBordersWhenPositioning)
      Sets whether the popup positioning will take into account the borders of the input element and its ancestors (by including the clientLeft and clientTop DOM properties in the computation).
      ignoreBordersWhenPositioning - the flag
      this AutoCompleteSettings.
    • getUseSmartPositioning

      public boolean getUseSmartPositioning()
      Indicates whether the popup positioning will take into account browser window visible area or not. (so always show popup bottom-right or not)
      true if popup smart positioning is used, false otherwise.
    • getShowListOnEmptyInput

      public boolean getShowListOnEmptyInput()
      Indicates whether the autocomplete list will be shown if the input is empty.
      true if the autocomlete list will be shown if the input string is empty, false otherwise
    • setShowListOnEmptyInput

      public AutoCompleteSettings setShowListOnEmptyInput(boolean showListOnEmptyInput)
      Sets whether the list should be shown when the input is empty.
      showListOnEmptyInput - the flag
      this AutoCompleteSettings
    • getCssClassName

      Get CSS class name to add to the autocompleter markup container
      CSS class name, or null if not used
    • setCssClassName

      Sets an CSS class name to add to the autocompleter markup container

      This makes it easier to have multiple autocompleters in your application with different style and layout.

      cssClassName - valid CSS class name
      this AutoCompleteSettings.
    • isAdjustInputWidth

      public boolean isAdjustInputWidth()
      Tells if wicket should adjust the width of the autocompleter selection window to the width of the related input field.
      true if the autocompleter should have the same size as the input field, false for default browser behavior
    • setAdjustInputWidth

      public AutoCompleteSettings setAdjustInputWidth(boolean adjustInputWidth)
      Adjust the width of the autocompleter selection window to the width of the related input field.

      Otherwise the size will depend on the default browser behavior and CSS.

      adjustInputWidth - true if the autocompleter should have the same size as the input field, false for default browser behavior
      this AutoCompleteSettings.
    • getShowListOnFocusGain

      public boolean getShowListOnFocusGain()
      Indicates whether the autocomplete list will be shown when the input field receives focus.
      true if the autocomplete list will be shown when the input field receives focus, false otherwise
    • setShowCompleteListOnFocusGain

      public AutoCompleteSettings setShowCompleteListOnFocusGain(boolean showCompleteListOnFocusGain)
      Sets whether the list should be shown when the input field receives focus.
      showCompleteListOnFocusGain - the flag
      this AutoCompleteSettings.
    • getShowCompleteListOnFocusGain

      Indicates whether the autocomplete list will be shown when the input field receives focus.
      true if the autocomplete list will be shown when the input field receives focus, false otherwise
    • setShowListOnFocusGain

      public AutoCompleteSettings setShowListOnFocusGain(boolean showListOnFocusGain)
      Sets whether the list should be shown when the input field receives focus.
      showListOnFocusGain - the flag
      this AutoCompleteSettings.
    • setUseSmartPositioning

      public AutoCompleteSettings setUseSmartPositioning(boolean useSmartPositioning)
      Sets whether the popup positioning will take into account browser window visible area or not. (so always show popup bottom-right or not)
      useSmartPositioning - the flag
      this AutoCompleteSettings.
    • setParameterName

      Sets the name of the request parameter that will bring the value of the user input
      parameterName - the name of the request parameter that will bring the value of the user input
      this AutoCompleteSettings
    • getParameterName

      the name of the request parameter that will bring the value of the user input
    • getMinInputLength

      public int getMinInputLength()
      the minimum input length required to display the autocomplete list
    • setMinInputLength

      public AutoCompleteSettings setMinInputLength(int minInputLength)
      Set the minimum input length required to display the autocomplete list
      minInputLength - the minimum input length required to display the autocomplete list
      this AutoCompleteSettings