int flags
String id
MarkupContainer parent
int generatedMarkupId
profiling showed that having it as separate property consumes less memory.Object data
What's stored here depends on what attributes are set on component. Data can contains combination of following attributes:
[] if more metadata entries are present) *
(s) added to component. The behaviors are not stored in separate array,
they are part of the
array (this is in order to save the space of the pointer
to an empty array as most components have no behaviours). - FIXME - explain why - is this
Object children
or a Map
when there are more children.MetaDataKey<T> key
Object object
int autoIndex
int numericId
PageParameters pageParameters
int renderCount
AtomicInteger sequence
AtomicInteger pageId
IProvider<T> pageAccessSynchronizer
ClientInfo clientInfo
.FeedbackMessages feedbackMessages
String id
AtomicReference<V> locale
MetaDataEntry<T>[] metaData
AtomicReference<V> style
Duration updateInterval
boolean stopped
String name
AjaxChannel.Type type
String event
String windowName
boolean hasBeenRendered
StringBuilder init
StringBuilder success
StringBuilder failure
StringBuilder before
StringBuilder beforeSend
StringBuilder after
StringBuilder complete
StringBuilder precondition
StringBuilder done
CharSequence value
IAjaxLink owner
IPageable pageable
Form<T> insertForm
String name
String email
ContactDao contactDao
ContactDao contactDao
String welcome
String applicationKey
String name
String componentClassName
AtomicBoolean signedIn
ClassReference<T> owner
String name
FormComponent<T> component
Property property_
IModel<T> groups_
boolean requiredFlagSet
Component component
String separator
Component component
int behaviorId
String cid
Page page
IRequestHandler handler
IRequestableComponent component
String componentPath
Integer renderCount
Integer pageId
IPageSource pageSource
boolean pageInstanceIsFresh
Class<T> pageClass
PageParameters pageParameters
Class<T> componentClass
String componentPath
Integer behaviorIndex
Class<T> behaviorClass
String interfaceName
String interfaceMethod
Class<T> submittingComponentClass
String submittingComponentPath
Class<T> pageClass
Integer pageId
PageParameters pageParameters
Integer renderCount
Class<T> resourceReferenceClass
Class<T> scope
PageParameters pageParameters
Class<T> resourceStreamClass
ContentDisposition contentDisposition
String contentType
IConverterLocator converterSupplier
Locale locale
IResourceStream resourceStream
String url
IConverterLocator locator
Locale locale
Object oject
String datePattern
String dateStyle
.String after
String before
DateConverter converter
DateConverter converter
SimpleDateFormat sdf
StringBuilder values
FileUploadField file
TextField<T> text
ListView<T> commentListView
WebMarkupContainer comments
Component text
Boolean hasVoted
WebMarkupContainer showItems
List<E> items
boolean checked
String text
String result
int count
Label counter
String extendedProperty
String name
ValueMap properties
String user
String user
User user
WebMarkupContainer outer
boolean showDummy
Person person
String randomText
String captchaText
CaptchaImageResource captchaImageResource
ConversationCounter counter
javax.enterprise.context.Conversation conversation
ConversationCounter counter
ConversationCounter counter
javax.enterprise.context.Conversation conversation
ConversationCounter counter
ConversationCounter counter
AtomicInteger counter
ApplicationCounter counter
String site
String clazz
String message
Boolean booleanProperty
Double doubleProperty
Integer integerInRangeProperty
Integer integerProperty
List<E> lines
Integer multiply
String numberRadioChoice
List<E> numbersCheckGroup
String numbersGroup
UsPhoneNumber phoneNumberUS
Set<E> siteSelection
String stringProperty
URL urlProperty
String text
String number
FrameTarget frameTarget
CharSequence url
IMyService service
String labelValue
int guessesAllowed
int guessesRemaining
List<E> letters
Word word
WordGenerator wordGenerator
Game game
KittenCaptchaPanel captcha
int errors
User user
String title
Random random
Random random
Contact selected
ContactFilter contactFilter
ContactDao dao
ContactDao dao
ContactDao dao
Integer number
Integer number
Integer number
Integer number
Banner currentBanner
Behavior theme
AbstractTree<T> tree
FooProvider provider
Content content
List<E> contents
List<E> themes
NestedTree<T> tree
ProviderSubset<T> checked
ProviderSubset<T> selected
ITreeProvider<T> provider
IModel<T> selected
String fieldName
int fieldSize
IResourceStream template
IModel<T> templateContext
boolean assignRoles
User user
IModel<T> choices
IChoiceRenderer<T> renderer
FormComponent<T> editor
Component label
Component component
AjaxIndicatorAppender indicatorAppender
AjaxIndicatorAppender indicatorAppender
AjaxIndicatorAppender indicatorAppender
AutoCompleteSettings settings
IAutoCompleteRenderer<T> renderer
boolean preselect
int maxHeightInPx
boolean showListOnEmptyInput
boolean useSmartPositioning
boolean ignoreBordersWhenPositioning
String cssClassName
boolean adjustInputWidth
boolean showListOnFocusGain
boolean showCompleteListOnFocusGain
int throttleDelay
String parameterName
int minInputLength
AutoCompleteBehavior<T> behavior
IAutoCompleteRenderer<T> renderer
AutoCompleteSettings settings
Form<T> form
MarkupContainer statusDiv
MarkupContainer barDiv
FileUploadField uploadField
boolean shown
WebMarkupContainer empty
int minimalWidth
int minimalHeight
String cssClassName
int initialWidth
int initialHeight
boolean useInitialHeight
boolean resizable
String widthUnit
String heightUnit
String cookieName
IModel<T> title
ModalWindow.MaskType maskType
boolean autoSize
boolean unloadConfirmation
ModalWindow.PageCreator pageCreator
ModalWindow.CloseButtonCallback closeButtonCallback
ModalWindow.WindowClosedCallback windowClosedCallback
IAjaxCallListener ajaxCallListener
IAjaxCallListener ajaxCallListener
IBreadCrumbModel decorated
IBreadCrumbModel breadCrumbModel
IBreadCrumbParticipant activeParticipant
List<E> crumbs
BreadCrumbModelListenerSupport listenerSupport
IBreadCrumbModel breadCrumbModel
IBreadCrumbParticipant decorated
IBreadCrumbModel breadCrumbModel
IBreadCrumbPanelFactory breadCrumbPanelFactory
Component component
org.apache.wicket.extensions.captcha.kittens.KittenCaptchaPanel.PlacedAnimalList animals
Label animalSelectionLabel
Image image
org.apache.wicket.extensions.captcha.kittens.KittenCaptchaPanel.CaptchaImageResource imageResource
Dimension imageSize
String datePattern
IConverter<C> converter
IModel<T> choicesModel
IChoiceRenderer<T> choiceRenderer
int rows
boolean allowOrder
boolean allowMoveAll
Recorder<T> recorderComponent
Component choicesComponent
Component selectionComponent
int uuid
must be usedboolean recreateChoices
IOptionRenderer<T> renderer
IResource unscaledImageResource
int maxSize
String property
ISortStateLocator<T> stateLocator
Object property
Object property
ISortStateLocator<T> stateLocator
RepeatingView colgroupCols
DataGridView<T> datagrid
WebMarkupContainer body
List<E> columns topToolbars bottomToolbars
DataTable.Caption caption
ColGroup colGroup
long toolbarIdCounter
String propertyExpression
char delimiter
String characterSet
char quoteCharacter
boolean exportHeadersEnabled
IDataExporter dataExporter
DataTable<T,S> dataTable
FilterForm<T> form
DropDownChoice<T> choice
IFilterStateLocator<T> locator
Button go
ITreeProvider<T> provider
IItemReuseStrategy itemReuseStrategy
AbstractTree<T> tree
AbstractTree<T> tree
NestedTree<T> tree
ITreeProvider<T> provider
int size
ITreeProvider<T> provider
Set<E> models
SingleSortState<T> state
SingleSortState<T> state
Object property
boolean ascending
WebMarkupContainer panel
ITab delegate
IModel<T> nrOfStars
IModel<T> nrOfVotes
IModel<T> hasVoted
Component ratingLabel
boolean addDefaultCssStyle
boolean cancelVisible
boolean lastVisible
List<E> wizardModelListeners
model events
.Form<T> form
IWizardModel wizardModel
IWizard wizard
IWizard wizard
IWizardStep activeStep
List<E> conditions
ArrayListStack<T> history
List<E> steps
boolean complete
IModel<T> summary
IModel<T> title
IWizardModel wizardModel
org.apache.wicket.extensions.wizard.WizardStep.FormValidatorWrapper formValidatorWrapper
s for this step.IDynamicWizardStep activeStep
IDynamicWizardStep startStep
IDynamicWizardStep previousStep
Component component
boolean showOnFieldClick
boolean autoHide
String closeLabel
DropDownChoice<T> amOrPmChoice
DateTimeField.AM_PM amOrPm
DateTextField dateField
Date date
TextField<T> hoursField
Integer hours
TextField<T> minutesField
Integer minutes
Component component
MarkupContainer container
int level
Serializable message
Component reporter
boolean rendered
List<E> messages
s.IFeedbackMessageFilter filter
Comparator<T> sortingComparator
Component pageResolvingComponent
Component fence
IResourceStream resourceStream
String markupClassName
String cacheKey
String encoding
, otherwiseString wicketNamespace
String wicketId
String doctype
boolean async
boolean defer
String charset
CharSequence css
String condition
or empty string for no condition.
Warning: the conditional comments don't work when injected dynamically
with JavaScript (i.e. in Ajax response). An alternative solution is to use user agent sniffing
at the server side:
public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response) {
WebClientInfo clientInfo = (WebClientInfo) getSession().getClientInfo();
ClientProperties properties = clientInfo.getProperties();
if (properties.isBrowserInternetExplorer() && properties.getBrowserVersionMajor() >= 8) {
response.renderCSSReference(new PackageResourceReference(MyPage.class, "my-conditional.css" ));
String markupId
ResourceReference reference
String media
PageParameters pageParameters
CharSequence javaScript
ResourceReference reference
PageParameters pageParameters
String url
CharSequence javaScript
String target
String event
CharSequence javaScript
CharSequence javaScript
HeaderItem wrapped
CharSequence string
HeaderItem wrapped
String filterName
String filterName
MarkupContainer container
String scope
ConcurrentLinkedQueue<E> fifo
int maxSize
Component child
MarkupContainer markupProvider
Border.BorderBodyContainer body
Body body
IModel<T> choices
IChoiceRenderer<T> renderer
Component component
int uuid
must be usedCheckGroup<T> group
String prefix
String suffix
AbstractChoice.LabelPosition labelPosition
CheckBoxMultipleChoice<T> choiceComponent
String checkBoxIdArrayLiteral
CheckGroup<T> group
Component resourceSource
IFormSubmittingComponent defaultSubmittingComponent
WARNING: note that this is a best effort only. Unfortunately having a 'default' IFormSubmittingComponent in a form is ill defined in the standards, and of course IE has it's own way of doing things.
Bytes maxSize
is used.Bytes fileMaxSize
short multiPart
LabeledWebMarkupContainer component
LocalizedImageResource localizedImageResource
RangeValidator<Z extends Comparable<? super Z> & Serializable> validator
IModel<T> minimum
IModel<T> maximum
IModel<T> step
boolean resetPassword
.int uuid
must be usedRadioGroup<T> group
String prefix
String suffix
AbstractChoice.LabelPosition labelPosition
IValidationError error
Serializable message
WebComponent upload
WebMarkupContainer container
int max
boolean useMultipleAttr
FormComponent<T>[] components
IFeedbackMessageFilter filter
IFormValidator validator
String media
LocalizedImageResource localizedImageResource
List<E> localizedImageResources
List<E> xValues
List<E> sizes
Image.Cors crossOrigin
PackageResourceReference packageResourceReference
String media
int arcHeight
int arcWidth
int backgroundColorRgb
int colorRgb
Map<K,V> fontAttributes
int textColorRgb
String label
Boolean resourceKind
Component component
IResource resource
ResourceReference resourceReference
PageParameters resourceParameters
Locale locale
String style
String variation
String pageClassName
PageParameters parameters
RepeatingView areas
IModel<T> fileNameModel
boolean deleteAfter
Duration cacheDuration
By default is null
is used.
boolean contextRelative
PopupSettings popupSettings
IPageProvider pageProvider
Component anchor
flag true, or it
must be attached to a <a tag with a href attribute of more than one character starting
with '#' ('<a href="#someAnchor" ... ').boolean autoEnable
PopupSettings popupSettings
int displayFlags
int height
int left
String target
int top
int width
String windowName
ResourceReference resourceReference
IResource resource
PageParameters resourceParameters
int firstIndex
boolean reuseItems
int viewSize
boolean autoplay
boolean loop
boolean muted
boolean controls
MediaComponent.Preload preload
String startTime
String endTime
String mediaGroup
MediaComponent.Cors crossOrigin
String type
PageParameters pageParameters
ResourceReference resourceReference
String url
boolean displayType
String type
String media
PageParameters pageParameters
ResourceReference resourceReference
String url
Track.Kind kind
String label
boolean defaultTrack
Locale srclang
ResourceReference resourceReference
String url
PageParameters pageParameters
Integer width
Integer height
ResourceReference poster
PageParameters posterPageParameters
IPageable pageable
IPagingLabelProvider labelProvider
long startIndex
long margin
String separator
int viewSize
int increment
IPageable pageable
IPageable pageable
long pageNumber
PagingNavigation pagingNavigation
IPageable pageable
IPagingLabelProvider labelProvider
BrowserInfoForm browserInfoForm
String associatedMarkupId
MarkupContainer markupProvider
ArrayListStack<T> autolinkStatus
boolean autolinking
String wicketMessageAttrName
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
long itemsPerPage
long currentPage
IItemReuseStrategy itemReuseStrategy
IDataProvider<T> dataProvider
Map<K,V> tagNameToAutolinkResolverDelegates
Map<K,V> tagNameToTagReferenceResolvers
String anchor
String xslFile
String xslFile
Object target
String propertyName
Serializable object
String expression
Object object
int pageId
String sessionId
is used.byte[] data
String sessionId
String fileName
PageWindowManager manager
boolean unbound
List<E> windows
IntHashMap<V> idToWindowIndex
IntHashMap<V> windowIndexToPageId
int indexPointer
int totalSize
long maxSize
Queue<E> index
ConcurrentMap<K,V> pages
page id => page as bytes
int browserHeight
boolean browserInternetExplorer
boolean browserKonqueror
boolean browserMozilla
boolean browserMozillaFirefox
boolean browserOpera
boolean browserSafari
boolean browserChrome
boolean browserEdge
int browserVersionMajor
int browserVersionMinor
int browserWidth
boolean navigatorCookieEnabled
boolean navigatorJavaEnabled
String navigatorAppCodeName
String navigatorAppName
String navigatorAppVersion
String navigatorLanguage
String navigatorPlatform
String navigatorUserAgent
String remoteAddress
int screenColorDepth
int screenHeight
int screenWidth
String utcDSTOffset
String utcOffset
String jsTimeZone
String hostname
boolean javaScriptEnabled
long startDate
long timeTaken
List<E> entries
Map<K,V> userData
String requestedUrl
IRequestHandler eventTarget
IRequestHandler responseTarget
String sessionId
long totalSessionSize
Object sessionInfo
int activeRequest
String userAgent
property, which is
not set until an actual reply from a browser (e.g. using BrowserInfoPage
is set.ClientProperties properties
String resourceName
Throwable t
CharSequence text
Integer pageId
String resourceName
IProxyTargetLocator locator
String typeName
public Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException
public Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException
boolean removeAll
IRequestHandler replacementRequestHandler
List<E> segments
List<E> parameters
String charsetName
String protocol
Integer port
String host
String fragment
boolean contextRelative
ILogData delegateData
int errorCode
String message
String key
String value
INamedParameters.Type type
String charsetName
String path
boolean cachingEnabled
boolean minifyIt
String minPostfix
String absolutePath
Locale locale
String path
String scopeName
String name
String style
String variation
boolean compress
can be used to compress this
resource. Default is false
because this resource may be used for binary data (e.g. an
image). Specializations of this class should change this flag appropriately.boolean cachingEnabled
should be applied to resourceString textEncoding
boolean readBuffered
ResourceReference.Key data
IResourceStream stream
String fileName
ContentDisposition contentDisposition
String textEncoding
Duration cacheDuration
Url url
boolean contextRelative
LoadableDetachableModel<T> path
Path path
TextTemplate textTemplate
IModel<T> variablesModel
ResourceStreamResource resource
List<E> providedResources
boolean cachingEnabled
ITextResourceCompressor compressor
List<E> providedResources
ITextResourceCompressor compressor
ResourceReference bundleRef
List<E> providedResources
String beanTypeName
String beanName
ISpringContextLocator springContextLocator
Boolean singletonCache
org.springframework.core.ResolvableType fieldResolvableType
org.springframework.core.ResolvableType fieldElementsResolvableType
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream inputStream) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException
int threshold
float loadFactor
Object[] keys
Object[] values
int size
int lastSearchIndex
Object removedValue
int maxEntries
IConverter<C> converter
Format format
Locale locale
Object sourceValue
Class<T> targetType
String resourceKey
Map<K,V> vars
MaskFormatter maskFormatter
ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> numberFormats
IConverter<C> dateConverter
public Object readObject() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
public void writeObject(Serializable object) throws IOException
String charsetName
int[] bytes
public Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
String name
String name
File file
Path path
IResourceStream delegate
AppendingStringBuffer buffer
CharSequence string
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
char[] value
int count
String string
to interpolate intoboolean exceptionOnNullVarValue
StringBuilder buffer
Class<T> scope
String fileName
String encoding
TextTemplate decorated
.IValueMap wrapped
Serializable errorMessage
IValidator<T> validator
Comparable<T> minimum
Comparable<T> maximum
CreditCardValidator.CreditCard cardId
boolean failOnUnknown
String format
Pattern pattern
boolean reverse
String id
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