Class AbstractSubmitLink

    • Method Detail

      • setDefaultFormProcessing

        public final AbstractSubmitLink setDefaultFormProcessing​(boolean defaultFormProcessing)
        Sets the defaultFormProcessing property. When false (default is true), all validation and form updating is bypassed and the onSubmit method of that button is called directly, and the onSubmit method of the parent form is not called. A common use for this is to create a cancel button. TODO: This is a copy and paste from Button
        Specified by:
        setDefaultFormProcessing in interface IFormSubmittingComponent
        defaultFormProcessing - defaultFormProcessing
      • getDefaultFormProcessing

        public boolean getDefaultFormProcessing()
        Description copied from interface: IFormSubmitter
        Returns whether form should be processed the default way. When false (default is true), all validation and form updating is bypassed and the onSubmit method of that button is called directly, and the onSubmit method of the parent form is not called. A common use for this is to create a cancel button.
        Specified by:
        getDefaultFormProcessing in interface IFormSubmitter