Class WicketTester

  • public class WicketTester
    extends BaseWicketTester
    A helper class to ease unit testing of Wicket applications without the need for a servlet container. To start a test, either use startPage or startPanel:
     // production page
     public class MyPage extends WebPage
            public MyPage()
                    add(new Label("myMessage", "Hello!"));
                    add(new Link("toYourPage")
                            public void onClick()
                                    setResponsePage(new YourPage("Hi!"));
     // test code
     private WicketTester tester;
     public void setUp()
            tester = new WicketTester();
     public void testRenderMyPage()
            // start and render the test page
            // assert rendered page class
            // assert rendered label component
            tester.assertLabel("myMessage", "Hello!");
    The above example is straight forward: start MyPage.class and assert Label it rendered. Next, we try to navigate through a Link:
     // production page
     public class YourPage extends WebPage
            public YourPage(String message)
                    add(new Label("yourMessage", message));
                    info("Wicket Rocks ;-)");
     // test code
     public void testLinkToYourPage()
            // click link and render
            tester.assertLabel("yourMessage", "Hi!");
    tester.clickLink(path); will simulate user click on the component (in this case, it's a Link) and render the response page YourPage. Ok, unit test of MyPage is completed. Now we test YourPage standalone:
     // test code
     public void testRenderYourPage()
            // provide page instance source for WicketTester
            tester.startPage(new YourPage("mock message"));
            tester.assertLabel("yourMessage", "mock message");
            // assert feedback messages in INFO Level
            tester.assertInfoMessages(new String[] { "Wicket Rocks ;-)" });
    Many methods require a 'path' parameter. E.g. the page relative path can be obtained via Component.getPageRelativePath(). Since each Component has an ID/name, any Component can also be referenced by its ID MarkupContainer.get(String). And since MarkupContainer's and its subclasses are containers which allow to add Components (in sync with the markup hierarchy), you may not only access direct children but also grandchildren like get("myPanel:myForm:myNameField") separating each ID with a ':'.

    Cookie handling

    There are some expectations about wicket tester cookie handling which should match as best as it can be with a real client server request response cycle:
    • all valid cookies set before a request is made (tester.getRequest().addCookie()) should appear in the page request
    • all cookies set in the response should appear in the last response (tester.getLastResponse()) after the request is made (expired cookies and others)
    • all cookies set in the response should appear even after a redirect response is made until the final response (tester.getLastResponse()) is written to the client (wicket tester)
    • all valid cookies (maxAge!=0) from the last response should be added to the next request cookies (tester.getRequest().getCookies())
    Ingram Chen, Juergen Donnerstag, Frank Bille
    • Constructor Detail

      • WicketTester

        public WicketTester()
        Creates a WicketTester and automatically creates a WebApplication, but the tester will have no home page.
      • WicketTester

        public WicketTester​(Class<? extends Page> homePage)
        Creates a WicketTester and automatically creates a WebApplication.
        homePage - a home page Class
      • WicketTester

        public WicketTester​(WebApplication application)
        Creates a WicketTester.
        application - a WicketTester WebApplication object
      • WicketTester

        public WicketTester​(WebApplication application,
                            String path)
        Creates a WicketTester to help unit testing.
        application - a WicketTester WebApplication object
        path - the absolute path on disk to the web application's contents (e.g. war root) - may be null
        See Also:
      • WicketTester

        public WicketTester​(WebApplication application,
                            javax.servlet.ServletContext servletCtx)
        Creates a WicketTester to help unit testing.
        application - a WicketTester WebApplication object
        servletCtx - the servlet context used as backend
      • WicketTester

        public WicketTester​(WebApplication application,
                            boolean init)
        Creates a WicketTester to help unit testing.
        application - a WicketTester WebApplication object
        init - force the application to be initialized (default = true)
      • WicketTester

        public WicketTester​(WebApplication application,
                            javax.servlet.ServletContext servletCtx,
                            boolean init)
        Creates a WicketTester to help unit testing.
        application - a WicketTester WebApplication object
        servletCtx - the servlet context used as backend
        init - force the application to be initialized (default = true)
    • Method Detail

      • getBasedir

        public static String getBasedir()
        Returns the current Maven build directory taken from the basedir system property, or null if not set
        path with a trailing slash
      • assertAjaxLocation

        public void assertAjaxLocation()
        Asserts that the Ajax location header is present.
      • assertComponent

        public void assertComponent​(String path,
                                    Class<? extends Component> expectedComponentClass)
        Asserts a Component class.
        path - path to Component
        expectedComponentClass - expected Component class
      • assertBehavior

        public void assertBehavior​(String path,
                                   Class<? extends Behavior> expectedBehaviorClass)
        Asserts that the Component a the given path has a behavior of the given type.
        path - path to Component
        expectedBehaviorClass - expected Behavior class
      • assertComponentOnAjaxResponse

        public void assertComponentOnAjaxResponse​(Component component)
        Tests that a Component has been added to a AjaxRequestTarget, using IPartialPageRequestHandler.add(Component...). This method actually tests that a Component is on the Ajax response sent back to the client.

        PLEASE NOTE! This method doesn't actually insert the Component in the client DOM tree, using JavaScript. But it shouldn't be needed because you just have to trust that Wicket Ajax JavaScript works.

        component - a Component to be tested
      • assertComponentOnAjaxResponse

        public void assertComponentOnAjaxResponse​(String componentPath)
        Tests that a Component has been added to a AjaxRequestTarget, using IPartialPageRequestHandler.add(Component...). This method actually tests that a Component is on the Ajax response sent back to the client.

        PLEASE NOTE! This method doesn't actually insert the Component in the client DOM tree, using JavaScript. But it shouldn't be needed because you just have to trust that Wicket Ajax JavaScript works.

        componentPath - a Component path to test
      • assertContains

        public void assertContains​(String pattern)
        Asserts the content of last rendered page contains (matches) a given regex pattern.
        pattern - a regex pattern to match
      • assertMarkupVariation

        public void assertMarkupVariation​(Component component,
                                          String expectedVariation)
        Asserts that a component's markup has loaded with the given variation
        component - The component which markup to check
        expectedVariation - The expected variation of the component's markup
      • assertMarkupStyle

        public void assertMarkupStyle​(Component component,
                                      String expectedStyle)
        Asserts that a component's markup has loaded with the given style.
        component - The component which markup to check
        expectedStyle - The expected style of the component's markup. For example: green in MyPanel_green.html
      • assertMarkupLocale

        public void assertMarkupLocale​(Component component,
                                       Locale expectedLocale)
        Asserts that a component's markup has loaded with the given locale
        component - The component which markup to check
        expectedLocale - The expected locale of the component's markup
      • assertErrorMessages

        public void assertErrorMessages​(Serializable... expectedErrorMessages)
        Asserts error-level feedback messages.
        expectedErrorMessages - expected error messages
      • assertInfoMessages

        public void assertInfoMessages​(Serializable... expectedInfoMessages)
        Assert info-level feedback messages.
        expectedInfoMessages - expected info messages
      • assertFeedbackMessages

        public void assertFeedbackMessages​(IFeedbackMessageFilter filter,
                                           Serializable... expectedMessages)
        Assert there are feedback messages accepted by the provided filter.
        filter - the filter that will decide which messages to check
        expectedMessages - expected feedback messages
      • assertComponentFeedbackMessage

        public void assertComponentFeedbackMessage​(Component component,
                                                   String key,
                                                   IModel<?> model,
                                                   IFeedbackMessageFilter filter)
        Asserts that there is a feedback message provided by a given component
        component - the component that provided the expected feedback message. Optional.
        key - the resource key for the feedback message. Mandatory.
        model - the model used for interpolating the feedback message. Optional.
        filter - the filter that decides in which messages to look in. E.g. with a specific level, rendered or not, etc.
      • assertFeedback

        public void assertFeedback​(String path,
                                   Serializable... messages)
        Assert that a particular feedback panel is rendering certain messages. NOTE: this casts the component at the specified path to a FeedbackPanel, so it will not work with custom IFeedback implementations unless you are subclassing FeedbackPanel
        path - path to the feedback panel
        messages - messages expected to be rendered
      • assertInvisible

        public void assertInvisible​(String path)
        Asserts that a Component is invisible.
        path - path to Component
      • assertLabel

        public void assertLabel​(String path,
                                String expectedLabelText)
        Asserts the text of a Label Component.
        path - path to Label Component
        expectedLabelText - expected text of the Label
      • assertModelValue

        public void assertModelValue​(String path,
                                     Object expectedValue)
        Asserts the model value of a component.
        path - path to the component on the page
        expectedValue - expected value of the component's model
      • assertNoErrorMessage

        public void assertNoErrorMessage()
        Asserts no error-level feedback messages.
      • assertNoInfoMessage

        public void assertNoInfoMessage()
        Asserts no info-level feedback messages.
      • assertNoFeedbackMessage

        public void assertNoFeedbackMessage​(int level)
        Asserts there are no feedback messages with a certain level.
        level - the level to check for
      • assertRenderedPage

        public void assertRenderedPage​(Class<? extends Page> expectedRenderedPageClass)
        Asserts a last-rendered Page class.
        expectedRenderedPageClass - expected class of last rendered Page
      • assertResultPage

        public void assertResultPage​(Class<?> clazz,
                                     String filename)
                              throws Exception
        Asserts last-rendered Page against an expected HTML document.

        Use -Dwicket.replace.expected.results=true to automatically replace the expected output file.

        assertResultPage in class BaseWicketTester
        clazz - Class used to load the file (relative to clazz package)
        filename - expected output filename String
      • assertResultPage

        public void assertResultPage​(String expectedDocument)
        Asserts last-rendered Page against an expected HTML document as a String
        expectedDocument - expected output String
      • assertVisible

        public void assertVisible​(String path)
        Asserts that a Component is visible.
        path - path to a Component
      • assertEnabled

        public void assertEnabled​(String path)
        assert component is enabled.
        path - path to component
      • assertDisabled

        public void assertDisabled​(String path)
        assert component is enabled.
        path - path to component
      • assertRequired

        public void assertRequired​(String path)
        assert form component is required.
        path - path to form component
      • assertNotRequired

        public void assertNotRequired​(String path)
        assert form component is required.
        path - path to form component
      • assertUsability

        public void assertUsability​(Component component)
        Checks whether a component is visible and/or enabled before usage
        component -
      • assertBookmarkablePageLink

        public void assertBookmarkablePageLink​(String id,
                                               Class<? extends WebPage> pageClass,
                                               PageParameters parameters)
        Asserts that that the BookmarkablePageLink identified by "id" points to the page as expected - including parameters.
        id -
        pageClass -
        parameters -
      • executeTest

        public <T extends Page> void executeTest​(Class<?> testClass,
                                                 Class<T> pageClass,
                                                 String filename)
                                          throws Exception
        Use -Dwicket.replace.expected.results=true to automatically replace the expected output file.
        Type Parameters:
        T -
        testClass -
        pageClass -
        filename -
      • executeTest

        public void executeTest​(Class<?> testClass,
                                Page page,
                                String filename)
                         throws Exception
        Use -Dwicket.replace.expected.results=true to automatically replace the expected output file.
        testClass -
        page -
        filename -
      • executeTest

        public void executeTest​(Class<?> testClass,
                                Component component,
                                String filename)
                         throws Exception
        Use -Dwicket.replace.expected.results=true to automatically replace the expected output file.
        testClass -
        component -
        filename -
      • executeTest

        public <T extends Page> void executeTest​(Class<?> testClass,
                                                 Class<T> pageClass,
                                                 PageParameters parameters,
                                                 String filename)
                                          throws Exception
        Use -Dwicket.replace.expected.results=true to automatically replace the expected output file.
        Type Parameters:
        T -
        testClass -
        pageClass -
        parameters -
        filename -
      • assertRedirectUrl

        public void assertRedirectUrl​(String expectedRedirectUrl)
        Assert that the last request redirected to the given Url.
        expectedRedirectUrl - expected