Interface BindRequest

    • Method Detail

      • isSimple

        boolean isSimple()
        Checks to see if the authentication mechanism is simple and not SASL based.
        true if the mechanism is simple false if it is SASL based.
      • getSimple

        boolean getSimple()
        Checks to see if the authentication mechanism is simple and not SASL based.
        true if the mechanism is simple false if it is SASL based.
      • setSimple

        BindRequest setSimple​(boolean isSimple)
        Sets the authentication mechanism to simple or to SASL based authentication.
        isSimple - true if authentication is simple, false otherwise.
        The BindRequest instance
      • getCredentials

        byte[] getCredentials()
        Gets the simple credentials associated with a simple authentication attempt or null if this request uses SASL authentication mechanisms.
        null if the mechanism is SASL, or the credentials if it is simple.
      • setCredentials

        BindRequest setCredentials​(String credentials)
        Sets the simple credentials associated with a simple authentication attempt. Ignored if this request uses SASL authentication mechanisms.
        credentials - the credentials if authentication is simple
        The BindRequest instance
      • setCredentials

        BindRequest setCredentials​(byte[] credentials)
        Sets the simple credentials associated with a simple authentication attempt. Ignored if this request uses SASL authentication mechanisms.
        credentials - the credentials if authentication is simple
        The BindRequest instance
      • getName

        String getName()
        Gets the name of the subject in this authentication request. This field may take on a null value (a zero length string) for the purposes of anonymous binds, when authentication has been performed at a lower layer, or when using SASL credentials with a mechanism that includes the name in the credentials.
        the name of the authenticating user.
      • setName

        BindRequest setName​(String name)
        Sets the name of the subject in this authentication request. This field may take on a null value (or a zero length string) for the purposes of anonymous binds, when authentication has been performed at a lower layer, or when using SASL credentials with a mechanism that includes the name in the credentials.
        name - the name of the authenticating user - leave null for anonymous user.
        The BindRequest instance
      • getDn

        Dn getDn()
        Gets the DN of the subject in this authentication request. This field may take on a null value (a zero length string) for the purposes of anonymous binds, when authentication has been performed at a lower layer, or when using SASL credentials with a mechanism that includes the DN in the credentials.
        the DN of the authenticating user.
      • setDn

        BindRequest setDn​(Dn name)
        Sets the DN of the subject in this authentication request. This field may take on a null value (or a zero length string) for the purposes of anonymous binds, when authentication has been performed at a lower layer, or when using SASL credentials with a mechanism that includes the DN in the credentials.
        name - the DN of the authenticating user - leave null for anonymous user.
        The BindRequest instance
      • isVersion3

        boolean isVersion3()
        Checks to see if the Ldap v3 protocol is used. Normally this would extract a version number from the bind request sent by the client indicating the version of the protocol to be used in this protocol session. The integer is either a 2 or a 3 at the moment. We thought it was better to just check if the protocol used is 3 or not rather than use an type-safe enumeration type for a binary value. If an LDAPv4 comes out then we shall convert the return type to a type safe enumeration.
        true if client using version 3 false if it is version 2.
      • getVersion3

        boolean getVersion3()
        Gets whether or not the Ldap v3 protocol is used. Normally this would extract a version number from the bind request sent by the client indicating the version of the protocol to be used in this protocol session. The integer is either a 2 or a 3 at the moment. We thought it was better to just check if the protocol used is 3 or not rather than use an type-safe enumeration type for a binary value. If an LDAPv4 comes out then we shall convert the return type to a type safe enumeration.
        true if client using version 3 false if it is version 2.
      • setVersion3

        BindRequest setVersion3​(boolean isVersion3)
        Sets whether or not the LDAP v3 or v2 protocol is used. Normally this would extract a version number from the bind request sent by the client indicating the version of the protocol to be used in this protocol session. The integer is either a 2 or a 3 at the moment. We thought it was better to just check if the protocol used is 3 or not rather than use an type-safe enumeration type for a binary value. If an LDAPv4 comes out then we shall convert the return type to a type safe enumeration.
        isVersion3 - if true the client will be exhibiting version 3 bind behavior, If false is used version 2 behavior will be exhibited.
        The BindRequest instance
      • getSaslMechanism

        String getSaslMechanism()
        Gets the SASL mechanism String associated with this BindRequest if the bind operation is using SASL.
        the SASL mechanism or null if the bind operation is simple
      • setSaslMechanism

        BindRequest setSaslMechanism​(String saslMechanism)
        Sets the SASL mechanism String associated with this BindRequest if the bind operation is using SASL.
        saslMechanism - the SASL mechanism
        The BindRequest instance
      • setMessageId

        BindRequest setMessageId​(int messageId)
        Sets the Message ID for this request
        Specified by:
        setMessageId in interface Message
        messageId - The message Id
        A Message reference