Class SchemaObjectRenderer

    • Method Detail

      • render

        public String render​(ObjectClass oc)
        Renders an objectClass according to the Object Class Description Syntax The syntax is described in detail within section 4.1.1. of RFC 4512 which is replicated here for convenience:
          4.1.1. Object Class Definitions
           Object Class definitions are written according to the ABNF:
             ObjectClassDescription = LPAREN WSP
                 numericoid                 ; object identifier
                 [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]   ; short names (descriptors)
                 [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
                 [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]          ; not active
                 [ SP "SUP" SP oids ]       ; superior object classes
                 [ SP kind ]                ; kind of class
                 [ SP "MUST" SP oids ]      ; attribute types
                 [ SP "MAY" SP oids ]       ; attribute types
                 extensions WSP RPAREN
             kind = "ABSTRACT" / "STRUCTURAL" / "AUXILIARY"
             <numericoid> is object identifier assigned to this object class;
             NAME <qdescrs> are short names (descriptors) identifying this object
             DESC <qdstring> is a short descriptive string;
             OBSOLETE indicates this object class is not active;
             SUP <oids> specifies the direct superclasses of this object class;
             the kind of object class is indicated by one of ABSTRACT,
                 STRUCTURAL, or AUXILIARY, default is STRUCTURAL;
             MUST and MAY specify the sets of required and allowed attribute
                 types, respectively; and
             <extensions> describe extensions.
        oc - the ObjectClass to render the description of
        the string form of the Object Class description
      • render

        public String render​(AttributeType at)
        Renders an attributeType according to the Attribute Type Description Syntax The syntax is described in detail within section 4.1.2. of RFC 4512 which is replicated here for convenience:
          4.1.2. Attribute Types
           Attribute Type definitions are written according to the ABNF:
           AttributeTypeDescription = LPAREN WSP
                 numericoid                    ; object identifier
                 [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]      ; short names (descriptors)
                 [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]     ; description
                 [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]             ; not active
                 [ SP "SUP" SP oid ]           ; supertype
                 [ SP "EQUALITY" SP oid ]      ; equality matching rule
                 [ SP "ORDERING" SP oid ]      ; ordering matching rule
                 [ SP "SUBSTR" SP oid ]        ; substrings matching rule
                 [ SP "SYNTAX" SP noidlen ]    ; value syntax
                 [ SP "SINGLE-VALUE" ]         ; single-value
                 [ SP "COLLECTIVE" ]           ; collective
                 [ SP "NO-USER-MODIFICATION" ] ; not user modifiable
                 [ SP "USAGE" SP usage ]       ; usage
                 extensions WSP RPAREN         ; extensions
             usage = "userApplications"     /  ; user
                     "directoryOperation"   /  ; directory operational
                     "distributedOperation" /  ; DSA-shared operational
                     "dSAOperation"            ; DSA-specific operational
             <numericoid> is object identifier assigned to this attribute type;
             NAME <qdescrs> are short names (descriptors) identifying this
                 attribute type;
             DESC <qdstring> is a short descriptive string;
             OBSOLETE indicates this attribute type is not active;
             SUP oid specifies the direct supertype of this type;
             EQUALITY, ORDERING, SUBSTR provide the oid of the equality,
                 ordering, and substrings matching rules, respectively;
             SYNTAX identifies value syntax by object identifier and may suggest
                 a minimum upper bound;
             SINGLE-VALUE indicates attributes of this type are restricted to a
                 single value;
             COLLECTIVE indicates this attribute type is collective
             NO-USER-MODIFICATION indicates this attribute type is not user
             USAGE indicates the application of this attribute type; and
             <extensions> describe extensions.
        at - the AttributeType to render the description for
        the StringBuffer containing the rendered attributeType description
      • render

        public String render​(MatchingRule mr)
        Renders an matchingRule according to the MatchingRule Description Syntax The syntax is described in detail within section 4.1.3. RFC 4512 which is replicated here for convenience:
          4.1.3. Matching Rules
           Matching rules are used in performance of attribute value assertions,
           such as in performance of a Compare operation.  They are also used in
           evaluation of a Search filters, in determining which individual values
           are be added or deleted during performance of a Modify operation, and
           used in comparison of distinguished names.
           Each matching rule is identified by an object identifier (OID) and,
           optionally, one or more short names (descriptors).
           Matching rule definitions are written according to the ABNF:
           MatchingRuleDescription = LPAREN WSP
                numericoid                 ; object identifier
                 [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]   ; short names (descriptors)
                 [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
                 [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]          ; not active
                 SP "SYNTAX" SP numericoid  ; assertion syntax
                 extensions WSP RPAREN      ; extensions
             <numericoid> is object identifier assigned to this matching rule;
             NAME <qdescrs> are short names (descriptors) identifying this
                 matching rule;
             DESC <qdstring> is a short descriptive string;
             OBSOLETE indicates this matching rule is not active;
             SYNTAX identifies the assertion syntax (the syntax of the assertion
                 value) by object identifier; and
             <extensions> describe extensions.
        mr - the MatchingRule to render the description for
        the StringBuffer containing the rendered matchingRule description
      • render

        public String render​(LdapSyntax syntax)
        Renders a Syntax according to the LDAP Syntax Description Syntax The syntax is described in detail within section 4.1.5. of RFC 4512 which is replicated here for convenience:
          LDAP syntax definitions are written according to the ABNF:
           SyntaxDescription = LPAREN WSP
               numericoid                 ; object identifier
               [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]  ; description
               extensions WSP RPAREN      ; extensions
           <numericoid> is the object identifier assigned to this LDAP syntax;
           DESC <qdstring> is a short descriptive string; and
           <extensions> describe extensions.
        syntax - the Syntax to render the description for
        the StringBuffer containing the rendered syntax description
      • render

        public String render​(MatchingRuleUse mru)
        NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED! Renders a MatchingRuleUse as a String
        mru - The MatchingRuleUse to render
        The MatchingRuleUse as a String
      • render

        public String render​(DitContentRule dcr)
        NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED! Renders a DitContentRule as a String
        dcr - The DitContentRule to render
        The DitContentRule as a String
      • render

        public String render​(DitStructureRule dsr)
        dsr - The DitStructureRule to render
        The DitStructureRule as a String
      • render

        public String render​(NameForm nf)
        NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED! Render a NameForm as a String
        nf - The NameForm to render
        The rendered String