Class AttributeTypeDescriptionSyntaxChecker

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, SchemaObject

    public final class AttributeTypeDescriptionSyntaxChecker
    extends SyntaxChecker
    A SyntaxChecker which verifies that a value follows the attribute type descripton syntax according to RFC 4512, par 4.2.2:
     AttributeTypeDescription = LPAREN WSP
         numericoid                    ; object identifier
         [ SP "NAME" SP qdescrs ]      ; short names (descriptors)
         [ SP "DESC" SP qdstring ]     ; description
         [ SP "OBSOLETE" ]             ; not active
         [ SP "SUP" SP oid ]           ; supertype
         [ SP "EQUALITY" SP oid ]      ; equality matching rule
         [ SP "ORDERING" SP oid ]      ; ordering matching rule
         [ SP "SUBSTR" SP oid ]        ; substrings matching rule
         [ SP "SYNTAX" SP noidlen ]    ; value syntax
         [ SP "SINGLE-VALUE" ]         ; single-value
         [ SP "COLLECTIVE" ]           ; collective
         [ SP "NO-USER-MODIFICATION" ] ; not user modifiable
         [ SP "USAGE" SP usage ]       ; usage
         extensions WSP RPAREN         ; extensions
     usage = "userApplications"     /  ; user
             "directoryOperation"   /  ; directory operational
             "distributedOperation" /  ; DSA-shared operational
             "dSAOperation"            ; DSA-specific operational     
     extensions = *( SP xstring SP qdstrings )
     xstring = "X" HYPHEN 1*( ALPHA / HYPHEN / USCORE ) 
     Each attribute type description must contain at least one of the SUP
     or SYNTAX fields. 
     COLLECTIVE requires usage userApplications.
     NO-USER-MODIFICATION requires an operational usage.
    Apache Directory Project
    See Also:
    Serialized Form