New Context Entry wizard

This wizard helps you to create a new context entry.

To start the wizard choose one of the following options:

The creation of a new LDAP entry is a four-step process:

  1. Select entry creation method.

  2. Specify object classes of the new context entry.

  3. Specifiy the distinguished name of the new context entry.

  4. Enter attributes and values of the new context entry.

Page 1

This page is identical to the New Entry wizard.

Page 2

This page is identical to the New Entry wizard.

Page 3

On the third page you have to define the distinguished name of the new entry.

The distinguished name the new context entry could be specified in the input field. The drop-down list provides all available values from the Root DSE namingContexts attribute.

Page 4

This page is identical to the New Entry wizard.