Class GlobalConfiguration

  • @Internal
    public final class GlobalConfiguration
    extends Object
    Global configuration object for Flink. Similar to Java properties configuration objects it includes key-value pairs which represent the framework's configuration.
    • Method Detail

      • loadConfiguration

        public static Configuration loadConfiguration()
        Loads the global configuration from the environment. Fails if an error occurs during loading. Returns an empty configuration object if the environment variable is not set. In production this variable is set but tests and local execution/debugging don't have this environment variable set. That's why we should fail if it is not set.
        Returns the Configuration
      • loadConfiguration

        public static Configuration loadConfiguration​(Configuration dynamicProperties)
        Loads the global configuration and adds the given dynamic properties configuration.
        dynamicProperties - The given dynamic properties
        Returns the loaded global configuration with dynamic properties
      • loadConfiguration

        public static Configuration loadConfiguration​(String configDir)
        Loads the configuration files from the specified directory.

        YAML files are supported as configuration files.

        configDir - the directory which contains the configuration files
      • loadConfiguration

        public static Configuration loadConfiguration​(String configDir,
                                                      Configuration dynamicProperties)
        Loads the configuration files from the specified directory. If the dynamic properties configuration is not null, then it is added to the loaded configuration.
        configDir - directory to load the configuration from
        dynamicProperties - configuration file containing the dynamic properties. Null if none.
        The configuration loaded from the given configuration directory
      • isSensitive

        public static boolean isSensitive​(String key)
        Check whether the key is a hidden key.
        key - the config key
      • getFlinkConfFilename

        public static String getFlinkConfFilename()