AlgorithmOptions |
Configuration parameters for join/sort algorithms.
BatchExecutionOptions |
Configuration options for the batch job execution.
BlobServerOptions |
Configuration options for the BlobServer and BlobCache.
CheckpointingOptions |
A collection of all configuration options that relate to checkpoints and savepoints.
CleanupOptions |
ConfigOption collection for the configuration of repeatable cleanup of resource cleanup
after a job reached a globally-terminated state.
ClusterOptions |
Options which control the cluster behaviour.
ConfigConstants |
This class contains all constants for the configuration.
ConfigOption<T> |
A ConfigOption describes a configuration parameter.
ConfigOptions |
ConfigOptions.ListConfigOptionBuilder<E> |
ConfigOptions.OptionBuilder |
ConfigOptions.TypedConfigOptionBuilder<T> |
Configuration |
Lightweight configuration object which stores key/value pairs.
ConfigurationFileMigrationUtils |
Utility class for migrating legacy Flink configuration file flink-conf.yaml to the new
format starting from Flink 2.0.
ConfigurationUtils |
ConfigUtils |
General utilities for parsing values to configuration options.
CoreOptions |
The set of configuration options for core parameters.
DelegatingConfiguration |
A configuration that manages a subset of keys with a common prefix from a given configuration.
DeploymentOptions |
DeploymentOptionsInternal |
Internal options used during deployment.
ExecutionOptions |
ConfigOption s specific for a single execution of a user program.
ExternalResourceOptions |
Configuration options for external resources and external resource drivers.
FallbackKey |
A key with FallbackKeys will fall back to the FallbackKeys if it itself is not configured.
GlobalConfiguration |
Global configuration object for Flink.
HeartbeatManagerOptions |
The set of configuration options relating to heartbeat manager settings.
HighAvailabilityOptions |
The set of configuration options relating to high-availability settings.
HistoryServerOptions |
The set of configuration options relating to the HistoryServer.
JMXServerOptions |
The set of configuration options relating to JMX server.
JobEventStoreOptions |
Configuration options for the job events.
JobManagerOptions |
Configuration options for the JobManager.
MemorySize |
MemorySize is a representation of a number of bytes, viewable in different units.
MetricOptions |
Configuration options for metrics and metric reporters.
MetricOptions.JobStatusMetricsSettings |
Describes which job status metrics have been enabled.
NettyShuffleEnvironmentOptions |
The set of configuration options relating to network stack.
OptimizerOptions |
Configuration options for the optimizer.
PipelineOptions |
PipelineOptionsInternal |
Pipeline options that are not meant to be used by the user.
QueryableStateOptions |
ResourceManagerOptions |
The set of configuration options relating to the ResourceManager.
RestartStrategyOptions |
Config options for restart strategies.
RestOptions |
Configuration parameters for REST communication.
RpcOptions |
RPC configuration options.
SecurityOptions |
The set of configuration options relating to security.
SinkOptions |
Configuration options for sinks.
SlowTaskDetectorOptions |
Configuration options to detect slow tasks.
StateBackendOptions |
A collection of all configuration options that relate to state backend.
StateChangelogOptions |
A collection of all configuration options that relate to changelog.
StateLatencyTrackOptions |
A collection of all configuration options that relate to the latency tracking for state access.
StateRecoveryOptions |
TaskManagerOptions |
The set of configuration options relating to TaskManager and Task settings.
TaskManagerOptionsInternal |
TaskManager options that are not meant to be used by the user.
TraceOptions |
Configuration options for traces and trace reporters.
UnmodifiableConfiguration |
Unmodifiable version of the Configuration class.
WebOptions |
Configuration options for the WebMonitorEndpoint.
YamlParserUtils |
This class contains utility methods to load standard yaml file and convert object to standard
yaml syntax.